Anchor for hollow bricks: varieties and installation tips

Brick has long been one of the most popular building materials, and structures made from it can be found in the vast majority of both old and modern buildings. To mount various objects on such structures, different types of fasteners are used, but the most effective and reliable of them are anchor bolts specially designed for brick, taking into account the strength characteristics and internal structure of this building material.

Types of anchors

Types of anchors

Anchor fasteners for hollow bricks differ not only in their dimensions, but also in their technical and design characteristics. Based on this, the areas of application of the anchor are distinguished, which are aimed at solving certain installation problems. In this regard, anchor bolts are divided into several types.

Driven type

This is the simplest type of anchor fastening systems. They are used mainly for fastening on structures built from solid brick. Its operating principle is that an anchor is installed in a pre-prepared hole in the wall, after which a special spacer element is activated in it, which ensures reliable fixation of all fasteners. At the end of installation of the main part, a threaded element is screwed into the bolt.

Wedge type

This design of the anchor bolt has a special element that is wedged during installation. It is precisely because of this feature that this fastener got its name. The wedge element, entering the brickwork, expands and reliably fixes the fastening system to the building structure.

Products according to MSA type

Their main feature is the presence of a brass sleeve in their design. On its side there are longitudinal cuts, thanks to which the sleeve is divided into peculiar petals, which expand during installation. And in order for the expansion of the spacer sleeve to be as large as possible, the internal hole in it has a cone-shaped shape.

Chemical type

An anchor bolt in a brick wall, working on a chemical principle, is fixed in a previously prepared hole using a special glue. This type is most suitable for use on walls constructed from hollow bricks and other porous building materials. This is due to the fact that the adhesive composition, which is used with this type of anchor fasteners, fills all internal cavities, thereby reliably fixing the bolt.

Anchor with ring

In this case, the ring replaces the standard hexagonal bolt head and is designed for more convenient and easy installation of various objects.

Double spacer anchor products

Their peculiarity lies in the presence of a spacer sleeve in the design, which expands during installation in several places simultaneously. Therefore, it is widely used when installing various products on structures made of hollow bricks, since at least one of the spacer elements falls on the solid part, while the rest are in the empty part.

Types of anchor bolts

According to their service life, anchors are divided into temporary and permanent . Each of these types is divided depending on the method of fastening, the material with which contact occurs, size, and material of manufacture.

By purpose

Since the scope of application of anchors is quite wide, they are divided according to the base material:

  • For solid, durable materials. This can be an anchor bolt for concrete, brick, stone.
  • For cellular brittle blocks.

There are also devices designed for fastening structures to plasterboard, wood, fiberboard and particle boards.


Depending on the length and diameter, the fastening anchor bolts are:

  • small: with a maximum length of up to 5.5 cm and a diameter of up to 0.8 mm;
  • medium: up to 12 cm long and up to 12 mm in diameter;
  • large: no more than 22 cm long and 24 mm in diameter.

Fastening methods

Anchor bolts can be fastened in two ways: mechanical and chemical. With mechanical ones , fixation occurs due to the direct impact of the working part of the bolt on the base.

  • Wedges. They look like a long rod, at the end of which a deforming sleeve is placed. After screwing in, the sleeve petals expand, due to which the anchor can withstand enormous loads.
  • Spacers. A standard type of anchor bolt, made in the form of a rod with a cone-shaped end. Under the influence of translational movements, the rod expands the sleeve, creating a reliable fixing mount.

Chemical - an adhesive composition of polyester resins is additionally used. Such anchors cannot be reused and are characterized by maximum reliability of fastening.


Mechanical anchor bolts are divided into several types.

  • With nut . The simplest type of spacer fastener, which has a cone-shaped tip, sleeve, nut and four cutouts. The nut serves as a lock with which the bolt fits into the seat. As soon as the rod begins to be screwed in, the nut is turned clockwise. As a result, the sleeve expands, tightly securing the structure.
  • With a hook . The head of such a bolt looks like a hook. Fasteners are used for heavy structures with fixation to dense materials (stone, concrete, brick). The principle of operation is no different from standard anchors - when screwed in, the fixing nut is deformed and secured in the seat.

What are anchor bolts for masonry

A brick anchor is a universal fastener that is equally successfully used both in the field of capital construction and when performing simple repair and improvement work on buildings and premises for various purposes. With the help of such fasteners, which are a bolt of a special design, objects and elements of even significant weight can be securely fixed on the surface of a brick wall. Such anchor bolts, in particular, can be used to secure furniture and interior items, lamps and chandeliers, suspended ceilings, wall-mounted facades and much more.

The design features of this type of bolt and the principle by which it operates are contained in its name: anchor in German means “anchor”. The element that ensures reliable adhesion of such fasteners to the inner walls of a pre-drilled hole in the brick is a special sleeve. Placed in a hole in the wall, when the head of the anchor bolt is twisted, it begins to increase in diameter, pushing out the inner walls of the hole and coming into reliable engagement with them.

In order to make the adhesion of the anchor bolt sleeve to the walls of the hole in the brick even more reliable, a special notch is applied to the side parts of its outer surface.

Types of dowels for brick walls

Dowels are used to attach furniture, paintings or other objects to brick walls, as they can withstand heavy loads. In order for the fastener to be securely held in the base, it is necessary to select the correct type and size depending on the grade of brick or concrete. If the dowel is not used for its intended purpose, it may not withstand the load and fall out of the hole.

Types of dowels and their features

1. Externally, the dowel looks like a cork and has a cylindrical shape with a cavity. When the screw is screwed in, its body expands and rests against the walls of the hole. The most common are nylon and polyethylene expansion dowels. To prevent a screw or nail from falling inside, the fastener is equipped with a special collar equal to the diameter of the screw head.

2. For walls made of porous or hollow bricks, anchor fasteners are used. As soon as such a dowel begins to be screwed into the brickwork, its end expands or twists into a knot. The resulting “nut” inside the voids securely holds any object.

3. Nail dowels are used for fastening slats under cladding with finishing material; they are small in size. They come with a nail. Install them together through a hole in the rail and wall. Then they hammer it in with a hammer.

4. Special umbrella dowels are used to attach thermal insulation. An umbrella is inserted into the hole in the wall and through the insulation, and then a nail (plastic or metal) is driven in. For large loads, for example, up to several tons, metal dowels for concrete and brick are used.

5. Metal fasteners are best suited for suspended ceilings. In the event of a fire, the plastic ones will melt and the ceiling will collapse.

  • reliable fastening that can withstand heavy loads;
  • easy to use;
  • Can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Due to the presence of spikes and whiskers on them, they do not turn while screwing in the screw.

Rules for installing anchor systems

Make a hole for the anchor using a hammer drill in drilling mode

With the advent of household hammer drills, the installation of fastening systems in the walls of buildings has become significantly simplified. The older generation remembers the pain it took to install anchors.

Using a special metal tube (bolt), under the blows of a hammer, a hole was slowly made in the brickwork. Now such an operation takes minutes.

To correctly and safely install anchors in a brick wall, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Whenever possible, the hammer drill is used in drilling mode. Brick is a rather fragile material and can simply crack and collapse under impact load. The resulting hole will not fulfill its purpose.
  2. The temptation is to make the work easier for themselves, they drill holes in the cement joints of the masonry. However, this position of the anchors can lead to dire consequences. Under heavy loads, the cement crumbles and hanging objects can simply fall to the floor.
  3. When drilling, you need to strictly control the horizontal position of the drill. At the slightest downward inclination of the cavity, there is a risk of the anchor falling out under the influence of an increased pull-out load.
  4. When driving the supports with a hammer, place a spacer (wooden plank) under the anchor. This allows you to protect the stud threads from damage.
  5. Before installing the anchor system, you need to check the cleanliness of the surfaces of the sleeve and rod. For more information about working with an anchor bolt, watch this video:

By following these fairly simple rules, you will always be confident in the strength and reliability of the fastening of hanging furniture and other items.

How to drill a hole in a brick wall

How to attach a sink to a wall

Installation of timber walls

Fastening rules

Today, fixation of anchors is carried out using simplified technology, but requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. You need to drill holes in a special drilling mode (if available). Otherwise, the fragile brick surface may become deformed or crack.
  2. You cannot make holes in the seams of the cement screed, as this will lead to irreparable consequences. As the load increases, the mixture will begin to crumble and the hanging elements will collapse onto the floor covering.
  3. During the drilling process, it is important to ensure that the drill is positioned horizontally. Deviation from the correct geometry will increase the likelihood of the anchor falling out.
  4. When using a hammer, a special spacer must be placed under the bolt. This could be a small board of wood that will protect the stud threads from warping.
  5. Before any installation work, you must ensure that the surfaces are clean.

Compliance with these rules will prevent unpleasant consequences and ensure maximum reliability of fixation.

Anchor in a brick wall

In modern construction, hollow ceramic stone is often used to construct load-bearing walls and partitions. When arranging a room, home owners are faced with the question: how can they securely fasten heavy objects to the walls (wall cabinets, air conditioning, etc.)? Today's article will help solve this problem.

Some types of brick, due to their unusual structure and large number of cavities, are considered fragile by many craftsmen, but this is not the case. Hollow brick has the same strength as other types. You can make holes in it without fear

But, for greater fixation of fasteners, it is still better to pay attention to new and modern technologies

Conventional fastenings are already fading into the background. Chemical anchors, which are an alternative to all old methods and fastenings, are gaining increasing popularity. It can withstand very heavy loads. And its fixation takes the same amount of time as conventional fastenings require. The anchor is specially designed for reliable fastenings in different types of ceramic stone, including hollow ones. In the case of such bricks, modern fasteners are used in conjunction with nipples, which have special holes that ensure strong fixation of the fasteners.

How is the installation carried out?

To install fasteners for hollow bricks, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • The diameter of the prepared hole must be equal to the diameter of the fastening system.
  • Before installing the sleeve into the wall, you need to clear the hole in the brick from dust and debris.
  • Tightening the inner bolt should ensure that the inside of the anchor is fully expanded. This guarantees the reliability of the fastener.
  • The anchor system is inserted only into the body of the brick, and not into the layer of cement mortar.
  • The brick wall must be strong and without damage. Cracks weaken connections.

Anchor systems are used as part of external and internal work. For fixation, you need a preliminary calculation of the number of ties, the shear strength of the masonry and the level of resistance, the peculiarities of the fastening principle relative to the type of brick, etc. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use additional devices, for example, a corner for an anchor system.

Types of anchors for working with brickwork

Today there are many types of these fasteners. They have different purposes, therefore the design of different anchors is different. For example, there are so-called frame anchors, which are used only for attaching windows and door frames to the wall. There are foundation anchors. With their help, metal columns are installed, for example.

Anchors of different sizes are also designed to perform different tasks.

Chemical anchor for hollow bricks and ordinary bricks.

The future strength of the structure we create will depend on the correct choice of the fastening system.

Let's look at anchor systems used for brickwork.

The driven anchor consists of a spacer (sleeve), a bolt and a nut. The spacer part is hammered into the prepared hole. The bolt is screwed into the spacer together with the nut, then the nut is removed. This type of mounting fastener is used for subsequent screwing of hinges or corners using a nut. You can hang shelves, cornices, etc. on them.

There are such types of drive-in anchors as hook bolt, angle bolt, and ring bolt. Their purpose is different from that of conventional bolted anchor fasteners. For example, heavy kitchen cabinets or bathroom water heaters are usually hung on a bolt angle. The ring can be used to hang, for example, wickets or gates in a brick fence.

Scheme for screwing a dowel into a brick wall.

Wedge fasteners are used more often for through fastenings. The wedge firmly holds the attached element on the wall surface.

The so-called MSA. This fastener is made of brass. Like all fastening anchor systems, it has a notch on the outer surface of the sleeve for better adhesion to the inner surface of the hole in the wall material. The maximum internal section of the sleeve is 8 mm. It is intended for fastening not very heavy products and materials to a brick wall.

The double expansion anchor consists of a pin with two expansions and a sleeve with cuts in the middle and at the end. Thanks to two spacers, the fastening is more durable. It is used when installing on a wall made of hollow bricks, when greater resistance to tearing is required.

They also make double-spacer fasteners with a nut and a pressed washer. This type is used for fastening metal. Such systems are made of galvanized steel.

Not so long ago, a new type of anchoring system appeared - adhesive, or chemical. After all, attaching something to a wall made of hollow bricks is very problematic. For this purpose, this type of fastener is used. Instead of a sleeve, it uses an ampoule with a special polyester glue into which a pin is screwed. After a short time, the glue hardens, and a reliable fastening is ready.


Anchors for brick buildings differ in both size and design features. They determine the scope of application of the bolt and give it certain properties. To achieve the best quality of fastening, the choice of fastening elements must be treated with special responsibility.

The following types of bolts are used for a brick wall:

  1. Hammers.
  2. Wedges.
  3. M.S.A.
  4. Double-spaced.
  5. With a ring at the top.
  6. Functioning using the chemical fastening method.

The listed options have different advantages and can be used for individual construction tasks.


Frame anchor elements are in great demand due to their reliability and availability. However, there are a large number of low-quality analogues on sale that do not guarantee good fastening.

To avoid the wrong choice, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

Fastener material. In most cases, bolts are made from high-strength steel and brass

When choosing an element based on material, it is important to consider its scope of application. Hairpin length. It is determined taking into account the tasks performed. Bushing quality

This selection criterion is one of the most important, since it determines how long an object can be held on a brick wall. The minimum thickness must be at least 0.8 mm. When using thinner products, the fastening will not be strong enough.

The length and diameter of the working area are determined according to some standards: the classic reference provides for a size of 8x72 mm (the first number indicates the diameter of the sleeve, and the second the length of the stud). The maximum allowed values ​​are 8x172. Less commonly used are fasteners with a sleeve thickness of 10 mm. They are effective for securing large items weighing more than 10 kg.

Drive-in anchor

Such bolts appeared much earlier than other varieties. They will be effective when hanging products on solid brick buildings. To use this anchor, the space in the wall is prepared, and then the spacer is secured. Next, the threaded element is fixed.

Double thrust rods

The double-spacer anchor is equipped with a spacer sleeve. It can be expanded in 2 places, providing maximum reliability of fixation in the wall. 1 spacer element is connected to the solid surface of the masonry, which guarantees an increased degree of fastening.

Galvanized steel is used to produce double-expansion anchors. At the top of the element there is a washer and a fastening nut.

On adhesive chemical basis

Chemical brick anchor provides increased bonding strength because it uses a chemical adhesive. Of all the listed types of fasteners, this option has the maximum reliability. The glue used is able to completely fill the gaps.

Installation features require compliance with the following rules: a place is made in the structure for fastening the bolt and thoroughly cleared of construction debris. Next, you should attach the capsule with adhesive and secure the anchor.

In order for the adhesive composition to completely harden, you must follow the instructions and allow time to dry. It is determined by the specifics of the solution and temperature conditions. Leading manufacturers indicate the optimal interval on the packaging.

MSA fasteners

Such elements are made of high-strength brass. The outer part is distinguished by the presence of a sleeve with a large notch, which ensures tight fixation. The permissible diameter inside the sleeve varies from 8 to 10 mm.

Features of application

The installation process is carried out in several stages. The main ones:

  1. Preparing the hole.
  2. Train room.
  3. Installation of the anchor in the uncured polymer mass.
  4. Tightening the nut.

Each of these stages is associated with its own characteristics.

For installation you will need:

  • chemical anchor;
  • injection gun;
  • stud or threaded fittings;
  • hammer drill or drill;
  • Boer;
  • torque wrench;
  • metal brush;
  • manual or industrial vacuum cleaner;
  • Remedies.

Once you have the tools, you can begin installing the chemical anchor.

Preparing the hole

When working with brickwork, it is important to avoid splits and cracks in the brick. This requires refraining from using the hammer function on the equipment and drilling perpendicular to the plane

To successfully install a chemical anchor for hollow bricks, a hole that is 2 millimeters larger than the diameter of the stud is required. It is necessary to apply a mark on the drill in advance corresponding to the length of the anchor, or use a depth limiter.

To improve adhesion, you need to thoroughly clean the hole from dust and crumbs. This is done using a metal brush and a hand pump, with which the hole is blown several times until there are no visible dust residues.

Introducing the composition

The polymer mass is injected into the hole using an injection gun. If the mixture has a uniform gray color, then it can be used. It often happens that initially it is not possible to achieve high-quality mixing - such a mixture should not be used. To use the gun, you need to place the nozzle in the drilled cavity and fill it with the composition. After each dose of glue placed in the hole, you need to remove the tool a little until more than 65% of the cavity volume is filled.

The procedure for placing a chemical dowel into a hollow brick is characterized by a number of features. They are due to the fact that the presence of a large number of voids does not allow the formation of a natural hole. To achieve the goal, a special plastic sleeve is inserted and filled with glue. When a pin is immersed in a hollow brick, part of the chemical composition escapes through the mesh walls of the sleeve into the cavity. This promotes greater grip.

There are also special ampoules. They are placed in the hole, the composition is mixed using a pin. The second option is more suitable for piece work, when there is no need to buy cartridges with a chemical composition.

Installing a metal anchor

We place the metal structure in the hole using rotational movements

It is important to distribute the solution evenly. To do this, it is recommended to periodically pull the fastener towards you and only then tighten it.

While the glue dries, you can correct the position of the anchor.

Tighten the nut

After waiting for the polymer mass to completely harden, you can proceed to installing equipment and structures. The manufacturer's instructions indicate the maximum force applied to tighten the nut. It is recommended to use a torque wrench to control the applied forces.

Chemical anchors are suitable for fasteners made of steel. Due to its positive properties, the anchor can be installed in high humidity or even under water. When used correctly, it is possible to avoid destruction of the brick, which allows installation at the very edge of the surface.

Chemical anchor is a new direction in construction, thanks to which complex work is simplified. The supply market is becoming more extensive, a larger number of anchors with various new fastener characteristics are appearing.

Chemical anchor, fastening with glue

Fastenings based on filling the inside of a metal rod embedded in the wall are used to provide strong connections in stone, brick, sandstone, shell rock, limestone, and cellular concrete. Such connections involve the use of chemical anchors, for example the popular all-season type moment fastener CF900. A metal insert, which is a reinforcement rod, a threaded stud or a sleeve with a thread on the inner surface, goes deep into a prepared hole, the diameter of which exceeds the anchor parameter by 2 mm. After this, a capsule with glue based on polyester, polyurethane or acrylic resinous substances, a hardener and filler in the form of sand is inserted into the sleeve. Then the glass cylinder is destroyed and a metal rod is inserted into it and the binder is waited for setting.

Features of lightweight brick walls

Walls are hollow for two reasons:

  • First
    : when slotted brick is used for masonry.
  • Second
    : when the walls of a building are lightened by constructing cavities-wells inside the masonry, which are then filled with heat-insulating material. When making well masonry, both hollow and solid bricks can be used, so a variety of anchors may be needed in the work.

Well cavities in brick walls

Well-type masonry consists of two parallel walls connected to each other by transverse diaphragms - which is what we see in the photo above. It is they who perform the role of anchors in this case. Thanks to them, vertical wells are formed, which, in order to increase the thermal properties of the enclosing structure, are filled with either foam insulation or loose insulation.

As an option, concrete-anchor masonry can be performed. What is she?

In principle, this is a type of well masonry, only here cellular or ash concrete is used as insulation. Since it hardens and forms a strong monolith, the means to achieve maximum structural rigidity here is anchor brick.

Anchoring lightweight masonry with bricks

This intriguing name hides the most ordinary bricks, which are laid into a row of spoons with pokes. This is done so that the protruding edges form teeth in the internal cavity of the wall.

During the hardening process of the concrete poured into the wells, the anchor bricks will be firmly fixed in it. In the above picture, even without words, you can clearly see how in this case the anchoring of the brickwork is carried out.

Anchors: their effectiveness and types

The effectiveness of anchor bolts speaks for itself, this is the latest modern device that is quickly gaining popularity due to its ease of use and practicality. At the moment, there are no analogues for them that could compare in terms of economy and physical characteristics. Taking the physical laws of load distribution along a plane as a basis, experts came to a very effective solution and created this device.

Anchors come in different types, have approximately the same properties and functions, each has a fundamental difference. They are divided into the following types and subtypes:

  • Mechanical: – mortgage; – spacer; – driving; – wedge; – a bolt with a ring or hook; – frame; – hairpin; – façade; – ceiling; – spring.
  • Chemical: – monolithic fasteners; – for external and internal work; – for fastening in loose and thin-walled substrates; – resistant to vibrations; – long-serving;
  • Plastic.
  • Ground.
  • For foundation construction.
  • Height adjustable.

How to properly install an anchor in brickwork

Anchor products used for fastening various objects on brick structures are designed in such a way that their installation does not cause any difficulties. It is performed in the following sequence.

  • A hole is drilled in the structure to be fastened. Its diameter must correspond to the diameter of the anchor product.
  • After thoroughly cleaning the hole, an anchor bolt is driven, inserted or screwed into the brick.
  • When tightening the bolt head, it is necessary to achieve maximum expansion of the spacer sleeve, which will be evidenced by reliable fixation of the fastener in the brickwork.

Anchor installation principle

When choosing a place to drill a hole, you should pay attention to the fact that it does not fall on the gap between the bricks filled with cement mortar. This hole should only be made in the body of the brick itself.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the material from which the building structure is made, because cracks in it can significantly weaken the formed connection

Securing the roof base with anchor bolts

If a new house project is being implemented, a mauerlat can be secured with anchor bolts, which evenly distributes the load-bearing load on the wall structure.

The only drawback is the high cost of the anchors. To connect a wooden Mauerlat to a wall, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Starting to arrange the frame, you need to fill the armored belt around the perimeter. It consists of concrete and reinforced elements. The presence of this design helps to increase the rigidity of the building.
  2. At the stage of filling the belt, it is equipped with anchor bolts.
  3. When the solution has completely hardened, the Mauerlat is applied to the fasteners and holes are made.
  4. After this, the beam is placed on the anchors. To increase the fixation strength, washers are screwed over the bolts.

Anchors for hollow foundations

The instructions given in the previous chapter were focused on anchoring the walls themselves during their construction and brick cladding. Now we will look at which brickwork anchor can be used when you need to hang a cabinet, lamp, CCTV camera, etc. on the wall.

Types of fasteners

There are no problems with solid brick walls: they simply drill holes in them and install dowel-nails. But for walls built from slotted bricks or porous ceramic blocks, this technology is not suitable. Due to the hollow structure of the base, a regular dowel will not hold - for this you need anchors for hollow bricks.

And this is what manufacturers offer to our attention today:

Product typeUseful information

Wedge type anchor, with nut

This anchor bolt is used for bricks - and not only solid ones, but also hollow ones. And in general, it is suitable for almost any base, except for plasterboard sheathing. The wedge anchor has the highest degree of reliability, and therefore is used in cases where something very heavy needs to be hung on the wall. It is also suitable for through fastenings.

This is a steel rod with a diameter of 6 to 24 mm, of various lengths, with a movable coupling and a cone-shaped shank. When the nut is tightened, the cone opens and the anchor is firmly fixed at the base.

They are made of galvanized steel, the price starts from 3.5 rubles. a piece.

Drive-in anchor, with expansion sleeve

This type of anchor is perfect for all types of hollow foundations. It consists of a spacer, usually a brass cylinder sleeve, a fastening element (bolt), and a fixing nut. First, they are screwed together, and then the nut is removed. Moreover, the bolt in such an anchor can have any shape: a hook, a ring, an angle, which allows you to use such anchors in a variety of situations - for example, hanging a water heater on the wall.

The cost depends on the size and material of manufacture, and varies from 4 to 50 rubles. a piece.

Two-component chemical anchor

These anchors provide the best grip on the wall and can be used in a wide variety of situations. Among them there are also options for both monolithic and hollow bases. The chemical anchor is held in the brickwork by a nylon sleeve, which increases in volume after the introduction of a special two-component composition. A long threaded rod is installed into it, and when the filling polymerizes, an almost monolithic connection is obtained.

The cost of a tube of adhesive composition, with a hardener in a separate package, is about 1,350 rubles. Studs with nuts cost about 45 rubles and are purchased separately.

What anchors for foundations with reduced load-bearing capacity have in common is the presence of sleeves with which they adhere to the wall. The point is that when installing the sleeve into a drilled hole, it expands and is firmly fixed, and then the anchor itself is inserted into it.

It can be anything - a pin, a screw, a long screw, or a smooth rod. But in everyday life, all these options are simply called: anchor bolts for bricks.

Composition and installation process of the material

The chemical composition of the anchors is suitable for all types of fasteners made of steel. It can be used for decoration and buildings, for working in conditions with high humidity, as well as under water. This fastening system does not destroy the brick material, so fasteners can be installed at the very edge of the surface.

The principle of installation is that the anchor is securely fixed with a chemical composition located in the drilled hole in the brick wall. Strengthening is carried out due to the hardening of the composition, which does not create stress deformations at the base of the surface. As the chemical solidifies, it bonds molecularly to the material inside the hole. Thanks to their equal expansion coefficients, a monolithic fastening connection occurs.

Dowel for aerated concrete - design features

The soft and friable materials from which walls are built have always been problematic when it comes to attaching various household products to them. As a result, not a single manufacturer of fastening structures gave a guarantee that their anchor or self-tapping screw would adhere well to such a surface. In practice, this was very often confirmed; the soft base simply crumbled, and the fasteners lost their holding properties.

But a solution was found, it was the dowel for aerated concrete that solved the problems of installation in soft materials. The immediate solution to this issue was the specific design of such fasteners. Externally, this is a sleeve on which there are ribs made in the form of a spiral; when installing a self-tapping screw, it expands the sleeve, which, with spiral-shaped ribs, seems to cut into the soft surface of aerated concrete. As a result, we get a strong mount that holds a certain load.

Fasteners of this category are available in two versions, plastic and metal. As for the metal version, its design can also be of two types. The first design sample has the same wide spirals on its base as the plastic one, and the method of its fastening is completely identical to its plastic counterpart.

The second type of such dowel has a completely different design. It is made in the form of a bushing, which has teeth along its entire length, and the main feature is its cone-shaped shape, increasing from the bottom edge to the base. On the working surface with teeth, the metal has technical slots, which expand when the bolt or screw is tightened, and the teeth also bite tightly into the soft material.

Dowel for hollow bricks - a new fastening option

Among building materials, there is one more element that should not be forgotten. Hollow brick is also one of the problematic materials in which it is difficult to install fasteners. If, for example, you need to install an anchor bolt with a nut, then, for sure, you will be faced with the fact that the fastener will simply turn in the material and dangle; naturally, there can be no talk of any holding force. In order to prevent such a problem, there is a special dowel for hollow bricks.

What is remarkable about it, and why does it so confidently hold the elements installed on it in the hollow material? Of course, the whole point here is in the design of the fastening itself; first of all, it is quite elongated, but no more than the width of the material itself. Due to the size during installation, the mounting surface will necessarily interact with the internal elements of the brick. The second, important design parameter is the significantly enlarged spacer part of the fastener, which further strengthens the fastener and does not allow it to rotate in the hole when tightening a bolt or construction screw. The material for the manufacture of such products is usually elastic nylon, which significantly reduces the cost of the product.

As for the range of sizes of such products, here we have a certain standard, namely length and diameter. The main dimensions are: 6×60, 8×80, 10×90, and 14×90 millimeters, the first number is, respectively, the diameter and the second is the length of the fastening. As you can see, the length of the fastening does not exceed the existing width of the brick, which according to standards is 120 millimeters. This size is quite enough for the fastener to properly hold the structure installed on it.

Advice! The manufacturer recommends using wood screws or universal self-tapping screws for installation, which ensure maximum quality of fastening.

Installation features

In the practice of modern construction, anchors are in demand. They provide a reliable way to install equipment and fix massive objects and structures on the walls and ceilings of a building

It is important to choose the right hardware for the job

Fastenings for solid bricks will not provide the necessary adhesion to hollow material

Therefore, it is important to first determine the base raw materials from which the enclosing structure was erected

Sequence of work:

  1. The plane is marked. The work is done with the utmost care. Hollow ceramic bricks are fragile. If you make two holes with a small interval between them, the material will most likely be deformed.
  2. The hole in the brick is made with a specialized drill. The cross-section of the anchor element and the depth of its placement are taken into account. The perpendicularity of the hole produced is a guarantee of high-quality work.
  3. After creating the hole, it is cleaned of dust and debris. Depth accuracy is checked.
  4. When inserting the anchor, make sure that the gap between it and the wall is minimal. If it turns out that the product is loose, it is better to take larger hardware. It should be selected according to the diameter of the resulting hole.

Features of hollow walls

The construction of modern housing stock actively uses hollow-core materials as construction for both load-bearing and partition structures. This is due to its operational properties. It is lightweight, inexpensive, and has better thermal insulation characteristics compared to its solid counterpart. This feature explains the popularization of such hardware as the only way to create a strong fixation with a given surface.

Don’t forget about the availability of hanging materials: plaster, insulation Source

The anchor is driven into the brick, after which it is mechanically or chemically wedged (glued), which provides excellent strength indicators. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the time that will have to be spent on completing the task. Devices operating on a mechanical principle are capable of experiencing load immediately after installation. For chemical anchors, you will need to wait a certain period of time for the adhesive to cure.

How does an anchor work in a hollow brick? Source

Miscellaneous autonomous equipment

"Fisher" has many significant advantages that are worth paying attention to. Firstly, it is well suited for working with almost any building material

Firstly, it is well suited for working with almost any building material

Secondly, the fastening system itself is quite simple and universal for any construction project.

Thirdly, thanks to non-expansion anchoring, it is possible to reduce the size of edge and axial distances.

Fourthly, such fasteners are quite different and are used for all kinds of devices.

What load can a Fisher anchor withstand? There are some requirements. As for the brickwork, there is no need to worry, since such fasteners provide for any loads that may be placed on a structure made of hollow bricks.

The same applies to aerated concrete structures. If we talk about working with compressed concrete, then it all depends on what kind of threaded rods you use.

Since the Fisher fastener is a chemical device, it is distributed into two separate chambers. The first chamber contains the chemical solution itself.

The other contains the hardener. Before use, they need to be mixed and then squeezed out.

Brick anchor

Each main type of fastener has many small subspecies. However, this should not confuse you. The fact is that in any case, the principle of their application is very similar, and the differences are only small.

You can learn about the features of each subtype of fasteners you are interested in from the consultants of the store where you will purchase them.

When choosing the type of fastener to use in your home, first of all you need to decide exactly what you want to attach to the wall. Analyze what types of fasteners may be suitable for use with your materials, and then choose the most convenient one. an acceptable and economically accessible fastening option for you.

Noticed a mistake? Select it and press Ctrl+Enter. to let us know.

The principle of operation of anchors - how do they cope with loads?

The principle of operation lies in their technology and special prefabricated structure, due to which the load has a completely different character. The fact is that when installed, the anchor bolt already expands in the wall; it cannot be pulled back out with any effort, like a nail, dowel or screw.

In this case, the load is distributed over a small surface area into which the bolt was installed, and not at one point, as with standard fixations. To enhance its ability, a metal sheet is additionally mounted with it, which takes up most of the load and distributes it across the entire plane of the sheet, and the larger the sheet area, the more load the bolt can withstand.

Installation Tips

In the modern construction industry, a large number of types of anchors are used for hollow and porous materials. With rational selection, each of them will last for decades. You just need to follow some simple installation rules, namely:

  1. For structures made of hollow bricks, it is strictly not recommended to use a hammer drill. Such an “aggressive” tool can easily damage the wall.
  2. Do not install anchors in masonry joints. These places are much “weaker” than the brick, so a fastener installed in such a weak place may lose its holding capabilities over time.
  3. The hole in a vertical wall must be strictly horizontal. Even a slight vertical deviation up or down will reduce the reliability of the fastening.
  4. When installing drive-in anchors, do not hit the metal directly with a hammer: this can damage the fastening. It is better to place a wooden block.
  5. Before screwing in the bolt, you need to clean the sleeve hole to avoid damaging the threads.

Compliance with installation technology will ensure reliability and long service life of the fastening.


Rules for fastening anchors

Before proceeding with installation, it is worth clarifying a few important points. Firstly, it is worth understanding what kind of brick the masonry is made of. Depending on this, you choose the type of anchor. Secondly, after this it is also worth taking into account the functional significance of the fastener (what exactly it will hold and what weight and size). After this, you can proceed to the next stages of installation.

The rules for installing anchors depend on the above types of fasteners.

In the case of flood anchors, you need:

  • a hole needs to be drilled. It corresponds to the size (length and diameter) of the fastener. The hole must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and brick shavings;
  • install the anchor in the hole. The wedge located inside the anchor is driven in. It is driven to the very end of the hole;
  • The attached part is attracted.

What to remember when installing anchor systems

Everything that was previously attached to walls using nails, self-tapping screws, screws and bolts is now mounted using anchor systems. Anchors for a brick wall are the most reliable way to hang and connect any elements or objects to the brickwork. But in order for the fasteners to be strong, you need to remember a number of rules.

You cannot use a hammer drill to make holes in brick, since this material is quite fragile. Under the influence of blows from a hammer drill, it can crumble and crack. In this case, you will need to make a new hole.

Do not drill holes for anchors into the seams of the brickwork. Due to the presence of sand in it, cement mortar has lower strength than brick. The fastening, especially if the load on it is large, may fall out over time, and the consequences can be unpredictable.

Holes in the wall must be strictly horizontal. Even a slight downward tilt reduces the resistance of the fastener to tearing out.

When installing a driven structure, you should not hit the metal with a hammer; it is better to place a piece of wood so as not to damage the edge of the thread.

Before screwing the bolt, you should clean the inner surface of the sleeve to avoid damaging the threads.

By following these rules, you will be able to firmly and securely mount a canopy over the entrance, a sports wall for your son, shelves for flowers and books, or any other items needed in your house or apartment.

Requirements common to all anchors

It is pointless to list the nuances of using all types of anchor fasteners that exist today - each manufacturer provides detailed recommendations for their hardware, in accordance with their design and purpose. But there are a number of requirements common to all products that are intended for installation in brick walls:

  • Holes for mounting any types of anchors are drilled exclusively in the body of the brick. Drilling masonry joints is prohibited, since they are most often not able to hold fasteners. In addition, the destruction of part of the seam leads to a weakening of the load-bearing capacity of the wall in this place.

  • Any anchor is installed strictly perpendicular to the brick structure. Even a slight slope is a gross violation of construction technology and leads to weakening of the fastening.
  • When calculating the hole depth and drilling, the thickness of the finishing layer - plaster or putty - must be taken into account. It must be taken into account that the anchor is fixed in the thickness of the wall, and not in its cladding. Errors in the depth of fasteners can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.
  • Before installing the anchor, the hole in the brick must be cleaned of dust and debris that got into it during drilling. This can be done using a special brush, an industrial vacuum cleaner or improvised means.

These requirements are mandatory, since the quality of installation of anchor fasteners directly depends on their compliance.

Types of anchors for hollow bricks

  1. Wedge (hairpin). This model is most often used for through fastening of heavy elements, such as sports equipment, advertising and information boards, lighting fixtures, etc. The anchor bolt is driven into a pre-drilled hole, the nut is tightened, the spacer ring opens and, as a result, the metal is securely fixed in the wall. They are made, as a rule, from high-quality galvanized steel, since the fastening is subject to heavy loads. Sometimes there are products made of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals, but the former are highly expensive, and the latter are designed for light loads.


  1. Driven. It consists of a spacer brass sleeve-cylinder, a fastening element - a bolt of any shape (ring, hook) - and a fixing nut. All parts are screwed together, and then the nut is removed. This is the most common, popular and easy to install type of anchorage.
  2. Folding spring with hairpin. Used in materials with sufficiently sized voids. A folded spring anchor is inserted into the drilled hole, which opens into the void, securely held there by its petals. For final fixation, simply tighten the nut with a wrench. Such anchors are characterized by the fact that they do not require precise drilling depth and pre-cleaning of the hole.
  3. Double bursting. This model includes a double-spacer pin and a sleeve, notched in the middle and at the end. This structure allows you to securely secure the necessary things on hollow walls and at the same time reduce the risk of tearing out several times.
  4. Chemical or adhesive. Chemical anchors for hollow bricks have appeared relatively recently. According to builders, hollow material “gets along” best with anchors of this particular type.

    This metal threaded stud is fixed using a nylon sleeve and a special chemical composition. The composition hardens, after which the load-bearing capacity of the finished joint will be an order of magnitude higher than traditional mechanical. Chemical anchors are widely used in the installation of canopies, railings, balconies, and bridges. This type of fastening is resistant to water, alkali and other adverse factors. Its service life reaches 50 years.


Anchors are classified according to service life:

By size, fasteners are divided into:

  • Small (up to 5.5 cm long and up to 0.8 mm in diameter).
  • Medium (up to 12 cm long and up to 1.2 cm in diameter).
  • Large (up to 22 cm long and up to 2.4 cm in diameter).

According to the base material, anchors are distinguished:

  • For dense concrete, brick or stone materials.
  • For hollow brick and concrete foundations.
  • For sheet materials - plasterboard, chipboard and fibreboard.

According to the method of fastening, the following are distinguished:

  • Mechanical

Fastening is carried out due to the direct mechanical effect of the working part of the anchor on the base (wedging, friction, stop, material resistance, etc.).

  • Chemical

Additionally, a gluing mechanism (force) is used; for fastening, adhesive based on polyester resins is used.

Mechanical anchors according to the technique of insertion into the base are divided into the following types:

  • Wedges.
  • Spacers.
  • Hammers.
  • Screw.
  • Bushings.
  • Expandable.
  • Spring.


Expansion anchors are a classic type of this type of fastener. They are a rod in the form of a bolt or pin with a cone-shaped end and an external element in the form of a sleeve, bushing or spring ring. The conical element, under the influence of the translational movement of the rod, expands the sleeve and secures the structure in the base.


An expansion anchor consists of a threaded rod, which can be a bolt, stud or screw, and a sleeve consisting of 4 longitudinal petals with a spring ring and a cone nut on one side. When the rod rotates, the cone nut unclenches the sleeve petals, as a result of which the anchor expands and is secured in the base due to friction.


Wedge fasteners are a long rod, at the end of which there is a deformation sleeve. After screwing the rod into the drilled hole, the sleeve petals expand. This type of fastener can withstand heavy loads.


Spring anchors are used when working with thin-walled bases, for example, when arranging the interior. Often, spring anchors are used as ceiling anchors and are equipped with a hook. The anchor is secured by unrolling the spring.


Screw anchors, or Molly bolts, are used when working with hollow structures with low load-bearing capacity - hollow brick, plasterboard, particleboard and fiberboard, etc. The Molly bolt is equipped with a special collet, which, when the bolt is tightened, opens and rests against material on the reverse side.


Sleeve-type anchors consist of 3 or more elements, the main one of which is the collet - a spring split sleeve. The sleeve anchor design also includes a riving element and a threaded rod. When the anchor is twisted, the wedging element enters the collet and pushes it apart, thereby securing the fastener to the base.


The basis of the driven anchor is a metal deformation sleeve with a conical hole, cuts in the body and internal threads. A firing pin is installed at the bottom of the sleeve. The sleeve is installed into the drilled hole manually or using an air gun. When the outer end of the sleeve is struck, it is deformed, after which a bolt or pin is screwed into the sleeve, necessary for fastening any object.

Foundation installation

Anchor bolts are installed in the foundation in the same way. For example, to install steel columns to the foundation. These are the first anchor bolts that are used in the construction of a house; they can withstand enormous loads because they are part of the load-bearing foundation of the structure.

Foundation anchor bolts can withstand very heavy loads

Anchors with a hexagonal head differ from others in their strength. A hexagonal metal sheet is placed on the wall or floor, and anchor bolts are screwed or driven into the drilled holes at the corners of its edges. This design is considered very reliable and can withstand any application, even lifting cars if installed on the floor. The hexagonal structure itself has unique features to withstand high pressures and not deform due to its stiffening ribs. Hexagonal parts are often used in various technical areas due to their features.

Hex head anchors are more durable

The wedge anchor has a very good load-bearing capacity due to friction forces; its anchor expands inside the material, as if clinging to the wall, it does not allow the pressure to pull itself out. Wedge anchors are also divided into different types; it is worth remembering that the stronger the adhesion due to frictional forces, the better its load-bearing capacity, but at the same time, the base material must be stronger, otherwise the fixation will simply destroy it. This type is not recommended for use on walls with low strength, such as aerated concrete.

Such anchors are best used for strong walls.

The bolt type also has a bolt and nut that adjusts the armature to control locking. But unlike the wedge type, the bolt type has an anchor along almost the entire length of the bolt, which dissipates the pressure along the entire length of the recess. Thus, the destruction of the wall is minimal and this type can be used not only in concrete and high-strength walls, but also in more fragile materials, which makes it quite popular. But they also have their weaknesses. For example, if compared with wedge ones, then at the same pressures, for bolted ones you need to use a larger axle diameter, which will lead to new problems. It is necessary to use a drill with a larger diameter, and accordingly, make a larger hole in the wall, which will entail greater costs, and can also weaken the strength of the wall material if it is not strong enough. Such anchors come in both single-spacer and double-spacer types, which allows them to be held more firmly in the base and disperse internal stress. This property increases the load-bearing capacity with less destruction of the wall.

Using a bolt and nut you can adjust the anchor

The threaded impact anchor is strictly used for durable materials, the pulse vibrations will destroy the fragile wall before the installation is completed. It has a thread, and inside there is a cone that expands from the inside. It is easy to install, you just need to drill a hole, hammer it and wedge it. It is easy to select a bolt of any length; it is installed flush with the wall and does not require subsequent cutting, which speeds up the installation process and is also convenient to use. It is typically used to install pipes on ceilings, ducts and ducts.

Such anchors are used only for durable surfaces

The installation tools are the most common and can be found in everyone’s garage, because installing anchor bolts does not require any special tools. An ordinary drill or hammer drill (depending on the material of the wall on which the installation is being carried out), or a hammer is sufficient. If impact types of fastenings are used - a wrench, to fix the fastening of the anchor base. Using these simple tools, any type of installation of absolutely any anchor fasteners is possible. The installation itself is carried out depending on the type of fastening and, of course, the experience of the master, because improper installation can lead to various destructive side effects, for example, destruction of the base of the surface. You should also choose the right match between the type of fastening and the surface material, because not every surface is able to withstand strong point pressure and not every fastener is designed for heavy loads, as discussed above. Before deciding to purchase, you should definitely consult with an experienced builder or installer, and you can also consult with salespeople from construction companies and stores; such consultation will not be superfluous when making a decision.

To install the anchor you only need a drill

Correct and reliable fastening is one of the main conditions during construction to create a durable house. Anchors occupy first place among other similar devices for installing heavy structures on various types of surfaces. Thanks to their unique structure and the mechanics of internal load distribution, they are able to withstand very heavy structures, as far as the strength of the material allows. And even for fragile surfaces, thanks to additional overlay metal sheets and through installation, they can withstand incredible load forces, which will allow the installation, even at home, of heavy equipment or specialized installations, not to mention the construction of the structure itself with the help of the reliability and versatility of modern anchor fastenings.

Fastening is a mandatory procedure during repair and construction

Thus, if you approach this issue responsibly, having become familiar with the types of fasteners and their physical properties, they will never break out, even after many years. Even if dismantling is necessary, it will not be possible to remove them from the wall without destruction, and if the wall has high strength, then this will not be easy to do, the anchors are installed once, without the possibility of reinstallation, but here everyone chooses what is more important, durability and reliability or the possibility of dislocating the anchors bolts

Anchor and dowel - what's the difference?

The operating principle of these two fasteners is the same. Both anchors and dowels work to expand the wall material. The difference is that you can screw self-tapping screws into the dowel and drive nails into them. And the anchor always consists of at least two parts - a spacer part and a non-spacer part, which is screwed into the first. When the screw is screwed in, the anchor's petals open and, like an anchor at the bottom, clings to the wall material and is firmly held inside the wall. Since the anchor has a minimum of 2 elements, it is often called an anchor system.

Both fasteners are used for hanging fairly heavy objects: cornices, chandeliers, wall cabinets, sports walls. But the anchor system can withstand loads greater than dowel fasteners - more than 100 kg. Therefore, anchors are used for installing curtain facades and fastening heavy metal structures to the outer walls of buildings.

How to anchor a safe to a concrete floor

In the current realities, the question increasingly arises of how and how to securely secure a safe in an apartment, because, firstly, not all merchants offer such a service, and secondly, many prefer to do the installation themselves. Securing a steel vault is usually done to prevent unauthorized removal. This can be done most reliably using anchor bolts on a cement-sand or concrete screed.

Regulatory conditions for the installation of safes are regulated by GOST R 50862-2005. For fastening, an anchor wedge fastening to the floor is used, which can withstand from 500 to 3,000 kg of tensile load. The optimal bolt length is 100-300 mm, and the diameter is from 8 to 20 mm. During installation, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • The thickness of the ceiling or subfloor must be at least 150 mm.
  • If it is necessary to drill holes in places not provided for by the design, it should be taken into account that the tightness of a fireproof or backfill safe cannot be broken.
  • Independent violation of the integrity of the case may lead to termination of the certificate.


The hollow brick anchor bolt has successfully replaced the nails, bolts, screws and self-tapping screws that were previously used for fastening. This method, which allows you to hang something or connect elements with hollow brick masonry, is considered the most reliable today. True, to obtain durable fasteners, it is recommended to follow some rules.

When installing a slotted brick anchor, do not use a hammer drill. Its impact will create cracks in the fragile material, and a new hole will have to be made.

It is prohibited to select seam sections of masonry as a point for drilling and mounting an anchor. Cement and sand do not guarantee the required strength, and if there is a significant load on the fasteners, the anchor system will soon fall out.

When hammering in the anchor structure, place a piece of wood under the hammer so as not to damage the threaded area. Before you start screwing, clean the inside of the sleeve to avoid damaging the threads.

Purchase anchor fastening systems that have appropriate quality certificates.

Types of fastening systems

A chemical dowel or anchor is most often used for installation in hollow bricks. The peculiarity of this type of fastener is its high resistance to the negative effects of alkalis and water.

To attach various objects to walls made of brick and aerated concrete, several types of anchors are used. The difference between fasteners is their size and technical parameters. Each type of anchor corresponds to specific tasks. When choosing an anchor system, it is important to take into account the specifics of the bond and the brick from which the wall is made. For example, clay brick is stronger than silicate brick, and the advantages of porous building materials include all the qualities of faucet brick and gas block. The cladding can be clinker stone masonry, and a certain type of anchor must be selected for it.

Driven type

Anchor systems of this type are considered the most common and easiest to install. They are used to fix a profile pipe or any structure on walls made of solid and slotted bricks. The peculiarity of the driven anchor is that after it is installed in the wall, the spacer part is activated, providing adhesion. Only after this, additional threaded fasteners are inserted into the sleeve using a nut, which is removed at the end of the work. Instead, a corner, hook or ring can be used.

Wedge view

This type of masonry anchor has a special element that is wedged during installation. By expanding inside the wall, this fastener holds heavy objects. With its help, you can even fix a metal channel to the wall. Often these anchor systems have countersunk screws. It is better to use wedge anchors if you need to install through the fixed object.

MSA type fastener

The anchors are made of brass and have a special notch that improves the level of adhesion to the building material. The inner sleeve has a conical shape with a narrowing towards the base. This structure allows the anchor to expand and the device to be fixed in the wall as the bolt is screwed in. Such fasteners are used for hanging light equipment.

Chemical fasteners

This anchor is suitable for hollow and solid bricks, but when working with slotted building materials, chemical anchors are indispensable. After the necessary calculations have been made, an ampoule of polyester resin is installed in the prepared hole. Then drilling is carried out using a pin, which provides a physical and chemical method of fastening. It takes time for the compound used to harden. For slotted bricks, at least 20 minutes.

To reliably connect the components of multilayer structures with air channels and cladding, a flexible ligament anchor with wavy bends is used. Calculating the required quantity is simple: per 1 m² there are 4-5 pieces of flexible anchor connections.

Double spacer system

An anchor or dowel for hollow bricks has a spacer sleeve in 2 places at once. This guarantees a secure fit. This type of fastener is also suitable for solid building materials, but its most popular use is for slotted bricks. If there are 2 spacers, there is a high probability that at least one of them will hit a solid part. Shows itself well in terms of breaking out.


Today in the construction industry, the modern anchor is an indispensable fastening system.

The algorithm for installing an anchor in a hollow brick is as follows:

  • First of all, marking is done. It should be noted that erroneous actions will not allow you to move the anchor a few centimeters to one side, as is possible in the case of a concrete surface. Hollow brick stone is considered a fairly brittle material and, in most cases, is destroyed when drilled again;
  • To make holes, special drills are used that correspond to the diameter of the anchor system and the depth of its placement. The most important condition on which the subsequent quality of work depends is maintaining perpendicularity. The drilled hole is cleaned of dirt and its depth is checked;
  • When installing the fastening system, watch how it fits into the prepared hole - a minimum gap should be ensured. If the hardware moves freely, you should take a fastener with a larger cross-section, drilling the hole a little;
  • The drive-in anchor is installed carefully, just like the expansion version.

Remember that excessive force when hammering damages both the hardware and the wall area surrounding it.


Anchors differ not only in size. There are design features of technical parameters. Anchor products for brick walls are divided according to their intended use. A specific type of hardware is used for certain installation work.

Important! To ensure reliable fixation of an object in a brick wall, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to the choice of anchor products.

Driven type

Allows you to secure critically heavy weights. Made from high-strength material or carbon steel. It is treated with a specialized anti-corrosion coating, which ensures an increase in service life. The product is manufactured in one piece, which increases the reliability of the fasteners. A popular type of hardware is the collet anchor.

The anchor is driven into the brick with a hammer. Its working part becomes wedged. This way the element is securely fixed in the wall. Then the bolt or stud is screwed in.

Wedge type

The scope of application is identical to the hammer type analogue. The method of installation in a stressed and unstressed concrete plane is allowed. Refers to reliable fastening elements. Capable of withstanding high loads. Used in dry rooms.

Made from various types of steel. Differs in specific execution. On one side there is a stud with a metric thread, onto which a nut is screwed. On the other hand, there is a spacer system in the form of a coupling with an internal shank.


MSA type

Brass products, the outer side of which is characterized by the presence of a special sleeve with a large notch. The design allows you to increase the density of fixation of fasteners in the wall cavity. The permissible intra-sleeve cross-section is in the range of 8-10 mm.

Chemical principle

External design: cylindrical tube. Inside there are two ingredients - organic and inorganic. Reacting with each other, they harden and provide the required degree of strength.


Important! Chemical-type fastening structures are in high demand because their use is allowed in places with high humidity, in porous substrates. Even in such extreme conditions, they are able to hold the elements together.

The name hardware was given in view of the chemical principle of operation - a chemical reaction. Has no smell. It is an environmentally friendly product. Does not harm the environment and the human body.

What it is?

Anchors are universal fasteners that are used for major repairs and simple improvement of individual premises or buildings as a whole.

Anchors are used for fastening pieces of furniture, chandeliers, suspended ceilings, curtain facades, a canopy over a door, etc. The heavy structure is firmly held on a wall made of facing, hollow, refractory and other types of bricks due to its design. The fastener is a special sleeve, which is inserted into a pre-prepared hole. During installation of the anchor, the sleeve expands and, through friction, securely adheres to the bricks. Then the main fastener is inserted into the fixed part, which can be a pin, screw, screw. Anchoring brickwork involves determining the required type of fastening device and installing it. Due to the incorrect selection of the size, material and type of anchor, the adhesion weakens. Neglect of installation rules provokes the formation of cracks in the walls, destruction of fastenings and installed structures in general.

Dowel for bricks: types, how to fasten, expert advice

Brick is a material with a dense texture. Brick walls are very hard, so you will need some knowledge to install the dowel. Brick is quite popular in construction and renovation work. In this review, we will figure out how to install a dowel in a brick, how to choose fasteners, and what rules to follow when working.

Classic dowel: is it suitable for brick walls?

For brick walls, a standard dowel is considered a suitable fastener. You can find its second name - dowel-nail. Dowels are made not only from metal, but also from various types of plastic compounds. All products differ in size and type of material used. Accordingly, the most suitable fasteners are selected for each type of surface.

How much weight a fastener can withstand is determined by its design features. If we talk about classic dowels, this is a regular sleeve with notches that are fixed to the hole. They help prevent the product from spinning. This dowel is convenient to use in a brick wall or concrete due to its raised ribs. They are in a decompressed state due to their flexible structure.

On sale you will find not only universal dowels for bricks, but also fasteners for porous surfaces. For heterogeneous loose materials, dowels using an adhesive composition are used. It penetrates the structure of the loose surface and fixes the fastener. To install the dowel you will need a pilot hole.

The universal dowel is a classic fastener that can be used not only for brick or concrete. It is used to fasten furniture, household appliances, frames, profiles, ceilings and other objects. There is an abundance of fasteners in length, diameter, composition, structure, which you can use to solve specific problems.

What types of dowels are most suitable for brick walls?

Since there is an abundance of dowels, we will try to talk about the groups of consumables that are best suited for installation in brick walls:

  • universal dowel-nails. This is a fastener of a standard type and configuration, which is intended for solid brick. As you work, make sure you don't get into any voids between the bricks. In this case, it will be difficult to install;
  • anchor façade. This group of dowels is best suited for hollow bricks, but can also be used for solid materials. Plastic and metal modifications can be found on sale;
  • disc-shaped. An elongated dowel is designed for fixing insulating materials. The design provides for the presence of clamps that allow you to fasten materials with dowels without deformation. The spacer part is located at the end of the product.

For fixing in a brick wall, you can choose metal fasteners and dowels made of durable plastic. Metal is superior in strength, maximum permissible loads, and durability to plastic counterparts. When choosing, pay attention to the presence of anti-corrosion coating and its thickness.

Dowels for bricks and concrete: how they differ

Despite the fact that many consider these types of fasteners to be the same, there are significant differences between a dowel for concrete and a dowel for brick. Experts advise using fasteners only for the surfaces for which they are intended. So, you cannot fasten objects into a brick wall with a concrete dowel. Especially when it comes to hollow bricks.

The peculiarity of brick dowels lies in their design. They have an increased length and a special mechanism with two spacer elements. Brick fasteners are made of plastic and metal. When choosing fasteners, be sure to determine the operating conditions - exposure to precipitation, wind load. For outdoor work, be sure to choose materials with anti-corrosion protection that can withstand temperature changes.

Brick anchor

Brick is by its nature a less durable material than a concrete base. When selecting fastening systems for installation, it should be remembered that brickwork has low strength. In addition, when drilling holes, the material is susceptible to deformation and subsequent destruction. This fact excludes the use of mechanical anchor systems that provide fixation due to frictional force, therefore driven, wedge and sleeve products are not used.

The German manufacturer MKT has developed a unique formula of chemical anchors used for solid and hollow bricks . Due to the hardening of the adhesive composition, internal stress is not created in the base material. The chemical composition penetrates deep into the pores and cracks of the material, providing a powerful and reliable fastening.

    The MKT company offers the following types of technology for injecting chemical anchors for bricks, which have their own characteristics:
  • VM-SF;
  • VM-PY;
  • VM-MA Polar.
  • VM-SF injection technology, equipped with a cartridge and a VA class stud, or a sleeve with a V-IG class internal thread. The adhesive composition contains vinylester resin with a styrene-free filler. Due to its unique formula, the product is widely used for interior and exterior work. The stud or bushing is made of steel class 5.8 with anti-corrosion protection of at least 5 microns.

    The composition is pumped into a previously prepared, cleaned hole, followed by screwing in the fastener. The hardening time is no more than 360 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature, the minimum of which is -5 degrees. The technology allows installation with small interaxial and edge bases, but is not intended for installation in wet holes.

    VM-PY injection technology is the most economical fastening to brickwork. Consists of a filled polyester resin chemical cartridge and a VA grade stud or V-IG grade female threaded bushing. The fastening element is made of steel class 5.8 with protection exceeding 5 microns.

    The time for complete curing of the composition varies from 20 to 120 minutes at temperatures from + 5 to + 35 degrees. Used when working indoors and outdoors, but is not resistant to wet environments. The anchorage does not create internal stresses in the base material and does not have a spacer element. Due to these characteristics, installation is possible at small center and edge distances.

    When installing into hollow bricks, it is necessary to use a VM-SH class mesh sleeve. Installation is carried out by pumping a chemical composition into a pre-drilled and cleaned hole. After which the fastening element is screwed into the base. The structure should not be loaded until the chemical composition has completely hardened.

    VM-MA Polar injection technology is designed for mounting mounts in the cold season. The product consists of a cartridge filled with a polyester resin adhesive. Due to the low viscosity of the product, the components are easily mixed and introduced into a specially prepared hole, quickly hardening and providing powerful fastening.

    The absence of styrene allows the use of adhesive

    composition in closed and open facilities at a minimum temperature of 18 degrees. The hardening time of the chemical anchor ranges from 1 to 20 hours. The cartridge must be stored in its original packaging at a temperature of +5 to +25 degrees, avoiding direct exposure to sunlight.

    The stud is made of durable steel class 5.8 and has anti-corrosion protection with values ​​of at least 5 microns.

    VM-MA Polar injection technology is used for anchoring threaded rods and reinforcing bars.

      Widely used in fastening:
    • Barrier fencing;
    • Screens;
    • External structures;
    • Metal columns;
    • Beams.

    The selection of injection technology for solid and hollow bricks is carried out with the help of the manufacturer’s managers, who have comprehensive knowledge about each type of anchoring.

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