Why are vibrators not a shame? Why a vibrator will NOT become a competitor to a man, debunking myths!

For a modern woman, a vibrator is as common as an epilator, hair dryer or manicure set. Some people use a sex toy when they get bored, while others use it with enviable consistency. Still others do not part with it at all and turn it on unnoticed by others, since the miniature device is hidden deep inside and gives moments of pleasure at any convenient moment.

The main thing is that buying a vibrator today is not a problem, so some ladies create entire collections of their favorite devices, because the choice of intimate toys is truly limitless.

Destroying myths

Good afternoon, dear subscribers, Sergey Chalyshev and the store are with you.

Today we are again not talking about toys, although no, today we are talking about toys, but not about specific ones. Our topic today, at least for Russia, is a very sensitive issue. Isn’t it a shame to use vibrators and other sex toys, isn’t this bad and a very common male phobia, won’t a vibrator become a competitor in bed. So, today I will debunk some of the myths, and then I will explain in more detail. First, I’ll tell you the essence, and whoever is interested will then listen to the rationale for some things.

So that you understand, first of all, where there are many problems with sex in Russia. Of course, this is still a Soviet raid, not even a post-Soviet one, just a Soviet raid. It was a country where the state did not need sex, but new children were needed. Don’t you think that this is already schizophrenia? There are no children without sex, this is a clear violation of any logic and an example where public morality and ethics openly lie to people. Why this happens I don't know. Well, let's remember my video about paraphilias, where foreplay was a surrogate, a substitute form of sexual activity. This was a quote from a book for criminologists and sexologists.

For couples2

Have you decided to invite a “third person” into your bedroom and diversify your intimate life? Great idea. All that remains is to decide which toy is right for your couple.

Paired vibrators can be absolutely any of the above-mentioned types - vaginal, clitoral, combined. There are also very inconspicuous examples for internal stimulation.

The variety of vibrators for two is truly amazing. Remote control, toys that connect to a smartphone and much, much more - for every taste and budget.

Please consult your partner before purchasing. What are your expectations from the future toy? Looking for shared fun?

Pay attention to thin and flexible vibrators - they will easily fit between the two of you and give you an unforgettable experience during sex. And if you particularly enjoy the opportunity to have undivided dominion over your partner’s body, buy a remote-controlled vibrator.

Long-distance relationships are a great reason to try sex toys that connect to your smartphone. They can be controlled from anywhere in the world. Some are even able to imitate your partner's touches - you can set your own modes and adjust the speed.

Myth #1: “A vibrator is embarrassing”

In principle, I answered this question a little higher. This is a legacy of the Soviet space, in which there was no sex, as you know. The argument here is very simple, you will not find a single argument in favor of why it is shameful, except for adjectives and general phrases. If you try to formulate for yourself why this is shameful, for another person or for yourself, in our heads we can estimate a couple of phrases and say: “Oh, that’s how it is.”, but you will never be able to use any evidence. Who wants to try to comment under this video.

Myth No. 2: “You shouldn’t buy your wife a vibrator, because it could be a competitor”

This is the erroneous opinion of men, based solely on their own sexology, on how these processes are organized in us, in men, on the point that we need to accumulate our sexual power and not throw it away left and right, because in the evening it may not be possible for a wife that's enough. You all know that after sex a girl, those men who can give a woman more than one orgasm, a girl who experiences more than one orgasm per night, do not require any long-term recovery. The only exception here is the clitoral orgasm, and then after about five minutes the girl recovers and all this can be continued. During the night, a girl is capable of experiencing 10-20 orgasms, of course, this will require a lot of effort and it also depends on the girl. But imagine yourself in her place, 10-20 orgasms for a man is unrealistic even with the help of masturbation. Her body does not produce seminal fluid and this is one of the reasons why she can have sex again and again and again. Yes, there may not be enough lubricant, but this issue can be solved with lubricants. Also, the girl does not have a refractory phase, I finally wrote down this word to tell you. This is the same process when we have finished, men, and it occurs after ejaculation and the man is not able to have sex for some time, this is one and two, we may not be very pleased with tactile sensations, not all men, for example, I don’t care . But I’ve already done a lot of experiments with tactility. Or maybe I just don’t have it, because I can have sex after. There are such men too, you finished, and he stands there for another five minutes. For those interested, read about the refractory phase.

So we get: the girl does not need to accumulate seminal fluid, the girl does not spend anything during orgasm except lubricant, which can be used separately, and she does not have a refractory phase. Understand that their sexuality is completely different from ours. A girl who experiences an orgasm or two orgasms per night wants more and more, she does not need to restore herself and does not need to accumulate anything, no male power. Remember, what is spent during sex is only male power, no female power is spent there, a woman does not spend any chemical reagents for sex.


Don't forget about lubricant. It is simply necessary if you want to try all the delights of the purchased toy. Which lubricant to choose? You can start with water-based products - they are cheaper, safer and don't stain as much as others. But they can dry out quickly.

Caution: Never use silicone lubricant with silicone toys - it may damage the material.

Myth No. 3: “What if my wife gets used to the vibrator and doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore?”

Above, I described that the situation when she experienced a bunch of orgasms, was satisfied and she no longer needs and the woman does not need it, this is not inherent in their organ. But there is another factor here. Firstly, there is my experience and the experience of some of my clients who have a much larger collection of sex toys at home. In my example, in the example of clients, even 10 toys are not enough for girls, not in the sense of not enough toys, no, they still want a man’s penis. I'll tell you why. We have such a hormone, I already mentioned it in the video, it’s called oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for our attachment to another person, for a feeling of security and for satisfaction with everyone and everything. This is a rewarding hormone that is released from us after contact with other people, and after contact with the opposite sex it is released even more and the absence of this hormone makes a person sad, and its presence removes some of his questions, he feels good, at ease and he feels secure and comfortable . Even in a friendly handshake there is a release of this hormone; in a normal male friendly handshake, little of it is released. Plus, when you come into contact with a woman, you also release other male hormones, and a woman releases female hormones, and thus our body forces us to focus on the fact that this is your sexual object and you really want sex with him. And when I touch him, I feel great, with them I’m an addict, because I can’t help but touch another person. Everyone who has gone for a massage knows very well that after a massage you feel such lightness, everything is fine. Yes, it was also oxytocin.

Now there are a lot of professions, unfortunately I don’t remember what they are called, that say that with the help of massage, even stroking the muscles, they straighten the muscles, correct some kind of defects. These are analogues of massage, when they tell you that with a therapeutic massage I will fix everything for you. A person simply strokes your muscles and then you look, and your back has stopped hurting. She stopped hurting not because the vertebrae moved to the right place, this is done by chiropractors, but these ones, I don’t remember what they are called, simply use the effect of oxytocin release, with which your muscles lose their grip. That is, getting hooked on oxytocin is a natural way to attach a man to a woman and a woman to a man. It is also a natural way for pregnant women to be attracted to their baby, and the baby to be attracted to their mother, because they release oxytocin, they become attached to each other.

For point G_G

For some women, external stimulation alone is not enough to achieve orgasm. Are you one of them? In this case, pay attention to the classics - vaginal vibrators with a curved tip. Thanks to their shape, they have an excellent effect on the G-spot, helping to “wake up” it and better explore your body and its capabilities.

Some toys also have a ribbed surface, which provides additional stimulation to the vaginal walls. There are other models - made in the shape of an egg, the tip of which stimulates the G-spot.

Myth #4: “Sex toys are for perverts”

And again we return to the USSR, although no, let’s go back a little earlier, several centuries, and probably millennia ago. Not only in the USSR, in fact all over the world, the female function in villages, and I remember before villages were the main place where people lived, boiled down to the fact that it was necessary to give birth to children as quickly as possible and as many as possible, because from 15 children to an adult states will live 5-6. After all, in order to manage the field and expand your farm, you need, excuse me, slaves, who are actually children, and the master also needs slaves to expand his farm. Let me remind you, for those who don’t know, in the Middle Ages, any methods of contraception, and they existed since ancient Greece and the first condom models were generally made from skin, intestines and fish bladders, were banned. If you used contraception, you would be whipped, firstly, by the master, and secondly, after that it is quite possible that you were excommunicated from the church, since it was considered a sin, because sex was supposed to lead to children. In principle, you can also find all sorts of biblical treatises where sex for pleasure, and not for children, is a great sin. Of course, then society needed survival and then it was very important to be fruitful and multiply. But, excuse me, in our time, when the national average is 1.5 children per family and this, in fact, is a narrowing of the population, this is no longer such an important issue.

This kind of perversion is based on fact, because this type of pleasure does not lead to children. But I will remind you of one more perversion. In our excellent Russian villages there are such strong people, everyone is a believer and the master has the right to the first night, and in general there every second child in the family is from the master. Cool! In my opinion, this is a perversion. And I’m generally silent about the church. Nowadays, with the Internet, we all know very well that there are quite a lot of scandals with church ministers; I don’t even want to think about the number of scandals that did not arise in dark times.

Silent Spy8

If you're concerned about being overheard, look for a quieter model. Read the toy's specifications carefully before purchasing. 40 dB and below? Great! For comparison, the average volume of a whisper is 30 dB, and the average volume of a quiet conversation is about 60 dB. Before buying in a store, turn on the vibrator at full power and evaluate its volume.

Myth #5: “Vibrators are addictive”

But this is the truth, but not all of it. Vibrators reveal more desire for sex in a woman, including for you, as I said, the desire for sex with a man will still remain, she needs the male genital organ inside to release oxytocin. The vagina also wants to get its way, and no vibrator will give this, no matter how well and coolly they vibrate, and no matter how much stronger orgasms they give. Oxytocin addiction will not allow a woman to want only a vibrator. It’s not just the penis, there’s touching, because this is a man, this is not a rubber thing, this is a real person. Kisses and tenderness, but the vibrator cannot kiss.

By the way, foreign sexologists, over whom our clamps do not hover, all unanimously say that vibrators are good and sexual toys strengthen couples. Why not ours? Because there are no restrictions hovering over foreign sexologists and no one bothers the Institute of Sexology with the question of whether it is normal to present such research, or whether it is sinful, or whether it is shameful. Science is science because there is no sin or shame. And it’s also more difficult for girls to achieve orgasm than for us, I’ll talk about this later.

And now the main thing. Let's say you haven't had masturbation for three days, you're not tired, you're not drunk, and you decide to do what you love. Place the roller on yourself, uncover the lubricant or simply take it in your hand, take out the masturbator or, again, just your hand and start the process. How many of you, just remember throughout your entire life, in what percentage you were unable to cum, for all your attempts at masturbation? There is no such thing as an attempt in men, a man always has the fact of masturbation. It is almost always a rarity that a man starts and doesn’t finish.

And now we will even check.

— Operator, does it often happen to you that you start masturbating and have to put it off? - Yes.

We have heard, so never compare male and female sexuality; in terms of genital organs, we are very different, although they consist of the same tissue variations. And by the way, “camerawoman” is not a rude name for my beautiful blue-eyed and long-haired assistant, we just use this word so as not to call her by name.


As for the varieties, here the vibrator is represented by four main modifications. This concerns the principle of operation of the device, where electric type vibrators are most often found. They are easy to use, weigh less, but at the same time develop the required amount of eccentric vibrations.

In the electric modification, an important link is the electric motor, the power of which varies up to 4 kW, depending on whether the model is amateur or professional. Another type is pneumatic. It is not used for domestic needs, since this type of design and method of operation of the device requires the presence of an additional installation that will create air pressure.

The device is difficult to use, but has a fairly high efficiency. Diesel and gasoline vibrators are two more varieties on sale. These devices are autonomous, although they are the heaviest among the electrically driven varieties. Diesel engines are even cheaper, since they consume less fuel, and it costs a little less than the cost of gasoline.

Why is it easier for girls to experience an orgasm with a vibrator?

And now I will give an expanded layout on several points. Why is it easier for girls to experience an orgasm with a vibrator? It’s not that it’s hard for her to be directly with a man, I mean specifically during masturbation. Have you ever seen girls having an orgasm? They all lose the ability to control their body, they scratch your back with their nails, many men wean themselves off this, they convulse, they jerk their legs, they squeeze their arms and legs, their arms fly there, I don’t understand where, clinging either to you or to the sheet, squeezing it ; and in this state, yes, she should rub her clitoris there. Awesome! Yes, of course, such orgasms as with a man, where she completely loses control, she will not achieve with fingers, but she will not achieve this due to the fact that she has to control a lot of things that they are generally not supposed to control during an orgasm, that is the same muscular activity with the hand will require very great effort from them. Is it better to cum with a vibrator in this regard? And they also have long nails, you can imagine they’ll dig into themselves with them. That is, imagine a man who decides to masturbate. We masturbate and masturbate, then we have an orgasm and squeeze ourselves until we bruise. About the same picture will be about their orgasm, about their method of masturbation, but of course not so vivid, I, of course, exaggerated, but just keep in mind that this is not like ours.

Plus, let me remind you, for girls to orgasm, they need a lack of activity in the fucking neocortex: decision-making, memories, thinking about what I look like, how I do something, and so on. And here you have a hand and you have to move it, maybe, of course, partly due to the fact that the action is often repeated, it has already entered their basal ganglia and they don’t think about how they engage in masturbation, but this still only partially relieves They have this problem. Therefore, they need to turn off their brain and this is another factor that helps and plays in favor of vibrators. Just holding the vibrator like this is much easier than doing something with your fingers.

And don't scold them for having such orgasms. This is for those who say: “Well, let them control themselves.” This is a storm, this is their fairy tale, this is a gift to them because they have to give birth, because they have huge genitals. And let me remind you that they produce much more hormones. And most importantly, when you buy her a vibrator, the source of orgasm still remains not the vibrator, but you, you gave it. And then you also give them oxytocin and they want more and more. Although what I’m saying now, I know very well that I myself wanted sex two or three times a week later, and the girl wanted it more often. But it was a way to control them, by the way. Let's turn the way we control sex, we men should be in charge, they should want more.

And there is another big advantage: the presence of a vibrator and the ability to do everything simply and conveniently is one of the key points in order not to resort to third parties. Therefore, who continued to claim that no, vibrators are for perverts and for perverts, they are definitely vulgar, and so on. I have a favorite joke, I’ll repeat it, apparently your neighbor’s dick is better for you.

Main characteristics for a good choice

Among the variety of vibrators, there are several criteria that make it easier to make a choice:

• waterproof (you may want to take it with you to the bath); • availability of batteries, otherwise when using batteries there is a possibility of switching off at the most inopportune moment; • presence of different levels of vibration; • hypoallergenic material - health comes first.

After weighing all the recommendations, you can confidently determine the optimal vibrator option.

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Orgasm in laboratory conditions

For clarity, I will read to you several points that were highlighted when observing girls who experience orgasm in a laboratory. Yes, there were such experiments. For those who don’t remember, Masters and Johnson were the first in this business, there is such a series, I didn’t watch beyond the first season, because that’s where love begins, and I was interested in their research. And Kinsey also did research. Again, so as not to be unfounded, I will mention to you the authors who write about this: Emily Nagoski and also found in another sexologist Marte Klein, otherwise I always refer to the same bottoms, here’s another new one, by the way, the same I recommend to read. So, if I'm not mistaken with the order of the points, they are as follows:

  • Abdominal muscle tension.
  • Gluteal muscle tension.
  • Decreased muscle control.

And when it comes closer to us:

  • Random muscle contractions throughout the body.
  • And after that she might just pass out.

And this was an approximate description of the stages. Do you still think that manual female masturbation is convenient? Also, let's not lie to ourselves. Now many people recognize themselves, there is no need to talk about it out loud, just think to yourself and accept that this is a fact. Problems of modern humanity: when we spend a sufficient period of our lives at work, when we have children who scream, we still want to relax somewhere somehow, and so on - somehow it doesn’t really help us to devote a lot of time to our other halves, to experiment in sex, create a sexual context. For those who don’t understand what this is, I have a video about the sexual context, you can watch it. That is, those things that cause constant desire, and again, on average, after several years of life, couples have sex once every two weeks or once a week, that is, such a spread. This is an average value, of course, there is more and there is less.

What's happened?

So, an internal vibrator is an important tool for a construction worker. Basically, it has an electric drive, which makes it light and easy to carry. Two people are involved in working with a deep vibrator.

One holds the drive itself, the other lowers the main mechanism of the tool into the concrete. If we consider the design of a typical vibrator, it always consists of a drive, a flexible tip and an immersed part in the form of a flexible shaft. The operating principle of the device is simple.

Voltage is supplied to the drive motor, which provides torque to the flexible shaft, at the end of which there is an eccentric. The eccentric rotates, hits the walls of the submersible tip body, creating a vibration that destroys the voids inside the poured concrete, which leads to air escaping to the surface.

Concrete vibration process

to use a 220V deep vibrator in your work, especially in the corners, since this is where cracks often form. In addition, the vibrator assumes the formation of a smooth concrete surface, uniform settling of the filler, which is gravel, quartzite, granite, expanded clay and other filling options.

This allows the contents to be evenly distributed throughout the foundation structure, which increases the ability to withstand heavy loads. I would like to note that such a tool is rarely used to process the surface of the base. In this case, a vibrating screed is used. It is laid on the concrete surface and specialists stretch it across the entire area. Due to vibration, the surface is leveled and becomes smooth.

Sex and its benefits for girls

We know that a girl who has sex, and regularly, is more beautiful, full of health, smart and quick-witted, and generally looks much better than her single friends. Single friends, have sex and you will also look good, quite possibly even better than your friend. This is a hormonal dependence, their genital organs are many times larger, simply many times larger in volume than our male genital organs. If you put them on the scales, they will differ by a factor of five in weight. Yes, when we are an embryo, we all have the same genital organs, but after that our genital organs are concentrated in our penis, and their organs seem to be smeared inside and outside, they also occupy much more area, because in addition to the usual functions they also require childbearing, conception - all this crap, and also carrying eggs. And this whole hormonal thing, the storm, also pushes them all the time to conceive every 30 days, and if you don’t conceive, then here’s your punishment, sit and suffer, you will have a stomach ache, a bad mood. Nature has arranged it all this way; she is trying to push the animal from which man originated, to where the animal is supposed to go - to reproduction. And the body doesn’t care at all that our world is structured completely differently, where you need two children and that’s all. Well, let's take advantage of this, the more sex, the better.

Our world requires more and more strength, effort, temporary physical expenditure and, most importantly, our intellectual potential, which we have to spend on work. It’s not women’s fault that we get tired, and vibrators are again a good helper here. How much easier do vibrators make your life compared to when they didn’t exist?

If you use your finger, then there is a theme that the finger then cracks. Well, it’s a completely different sensation, it’s completely different, incomparable, lighter, simpler and the orgasm is stronger.

You see. And probably less time is wasted. However, you don’t need to watch hardcore porn yet.

I sell sex toys and I’ve heard a lot of things, both for and against, from delight and boasting - “well done man has already given 10,000 orgasms” to absolutely disgusting phrases addressed to me that I should almost be executed and for some reason they should rip me out eggs and the like. But the most disgusting phrase I’ve heard, now you’ll understand why, it’s incredibly hypocritical: “Ah, so you’re one of those freaks who sell toys to women, and then they don’t give them to us!” I heard this phrase three times. Do you know the pattern? All three men were married. And the very first guy I heard from was this type of officer in uniform. That is, for them the fact that if a woman has a sex toy to solve her problem with sex and she does not run around and look for sex, as a man runs around looking for it, again male sexuality is different, is a monstrosity. And for me the ugly factor is that they are married and they are worried about this issue. When I was married, I generally wish women never looked at me, because my wife was incredibly jealous and any contact or sign of attention from women then required me to solve this problem that had arisen and this whole brain drain was solved by sex. That is, it means that I, a pervert, didn’t care at all about whether other women wanted me or other women didn’t want me during marriage and was more opposed to the other side, but for some reason these married, shy men with shoulder straps care about them. Well cool!

Male and female sexuality - differences

I have already mentioned that male and female sexuality are different. I won’t go into detail about this in this video now, read Emily Nagoski’s, it’s quite detailed there. Maybe someday I will make a full video about this. But now I want to give examples and vivid ones, where our sexuality is, I have already given, but there will be more, where our male sexuality cannot be compared with female sexuality, they are simply different.

The standard reaction of a man: “Oh, cool chick, I want her.” And then we get up. Women often “get up” on some idea, thought or something else that can bring into their life that stimulus that causes: “Damn, I want sex.” And this does not make her a nymphomaniac, believe me. This is also a problem that many women will experience, society says: “No, you shouldn’t want sex all the time, that’s bad.” It's not her fault that she wants sex.

And again, a striking example. A man cannot have sex if we are not excited, if the blood has not rushed to your penis, we simply will have nothing to insert into the girl, it will just lie there. And no matter what you do, nothing will happen. As you know, a woman doesn’t have to be aroused to get sex. Yes, there is a lubricant component. Firstly, it can always come from an external source, and secondly, sometimes a woman, even when she really wants to, may not have her own lubricant for various reasons: some people simply don’t have enough of it, others may simply not have enough and this is the norm . Many girls use lubricant for this. Don’t you already find a strong difference between a man and a woman? A man is not able to experience sex until the blood rushes in, but a woman is capable. Physiologically, lust is what happens in the head, arousal is what happens in the lower abdomen. For her, lust is primary and sex does not depend on the presence of arousal.

There are also some moments when the girls get wet and wet. I will remind you of an absolutely disgusting episode of our life, which still occurs when physical violence occurs. Man, let me remind you of mammals, that is, an animal by its physiological nature. Therefore, a female mammal, whether she wants sex or not, will usually begin to secrete lubricant during sex, and it doesn’t matter whether it was at her request or even against her desire, the body protects the genitals from injuries, of which there will be an insane amount, believe me.

In the Middle Ages and even now, in some places and oddly enough among those same freedom-loving Pindos, there is such a concept that if a woman is being raped, and rape is not always when a man grabs an unknown chick on the street and then, no, sometimes It just happens in groups, drunk people for example, and a man starts harassing a woman, and she says: “I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want.” And so he’s like: “No, look, you’ve leaked some lubricant!” Well, of course, you poke your fingers into her pussy and the pussy protects it so that you don’t tear it and lubricant is released. But after this, even many girls get idiocy in their heads: “So I was excited if I had lube. It’s probably like this.” No, this is not so, the presence of lubrication does not mean full arousal, it may be a defensive reaction. In the Middle Ages, this is another difference for us, an absolutely terrible moment, men, our research for a long time was carried out only by men, according to many studies it was previously believed that a girl could become pregnant only by experiencing an orgasm. But if I take a pipette and drop sperm into it, then she will also become pregnant with some probability.

Warranty service

The factories provide a warranty for portable construction equipment and its components for 1 (one) year, provided that the technical requirements for its care are met.

In the event that equipment malfunction occurs as a result of incorrect actions by the consumer, the plant is not responsible for it. For example: the rupture of a sleeve due to the hardening of “concrete milk” in its cavity indicates that the client did not clean the flexible shaft after completing the concrete compaction work. For this reason, the manufacturer is not responsible for this type of breakdown.

For industrial multi-station devices (gasoline, diesel, high-frequency and electric vibrators) and spare parts for them, the plant issues a warranty for a period of 1000 hours of operation over 1 calendar year.

But in cases where:

  • the storage conditions of the device were not met (damp room, moving parts of mechanisms not cleaned and lubricated, bending of the flexible shaft not permitted...);
  • the mace overheated due to working in a waterless environment;
  • the motor failed due to low voltage in the supply network;
  • the mace was operated in a state clamped between reinforcing bars;
  • there was no lubrication of the flexible shaft cable and the drive and mace bearings,

and the device fails, the manufacturer does not provide free restoration of construction equipment to the consumer.

Myth #6: “A girl can only get pregnant by having an orgasm”

Why is there this myth that if a girl has an orgasm, she is more likely to get pregnant? There is, of course, a normal explanation that the entrance to the uterus opens slightly and then it is easier for sperm to enter. However, this is not necessary, you can get pregnant even through the hymen, too, because it is heterogeneous, it is not a film that tightens everything. And in the Middle Ages, and even for quite a long time after this, this topic lived, they believed that if a girl became pregnant, it meant that she liked it, that means she experienced an orgasm, and this absolutely could not have happened. You can get pregnant from a pipette, but you can't get aroused.

How did this myth even come about? Here's an example again. Men, as I said, were researchers, and they believed, absolutely normally, that in order for children to appear, an orgasm was needed. But as? Without ejaculation there are no children. We know that orgasm occurs during ejaculation, which means that women also experience it simply by analogy. And as I described, their body is structured differently, their genitals were formed differently. Don't be like idiots. Moreover, even famous psychiatrists suffered from such idiocy, but psychiatrists are generally very special people, they attribute a lot. And yet, it seems like the pundits were talking complete nonsense: “That’s it, the girl got pregnant, this is a sign, it means she had an orgasm during sex.” We know what this leads to in society. After drunken rapes like this, the girl thinks and everyone is told: “The bitch won’t want it, the dog won’t jump up. She provoked it herself. It flowed, it means you were excited, it means you were ready, you just didn’t realize it.”

How the hell do I not want sex with a chick, but she forces me?! If I suddenly got hard, why did I want it? This is absolutely not a fact, she may be unpleasant to me for some reason, but if she masturbates me, he will get up. This doesn't mean I wanted her. Here we have a connection so that we men can understand that arousal does not always equal lust.

I told this as an example, so that you understand that female sexuality is not structured in the same way as male sexuality and therefore do not evaluate yourself from their point of view. Yes, for us men, in general, practically no normal toys have been invented, there are a small number of masturbators, but they all seem to be inferior to our hand, but we have excellent control over ourselves during sex.

Scope of application

They use a high-frequency deep vibrator in construction matters. For example, if you are going to build a private house, then you will need it. Having dug the foundation and prepared the concrete for pouring, they begin to fill the base. At the same time, every 20 cm of depth, the base must be passed through with a deep vibrator, at least every 30 cm. These will be so-called punctures, which will remove excess air.

Not only the strip base, but also the monolithic base is subjected to similar treatment. Some even “thick” floor screeds are processed using a deep vibrator, but the latter is much more convenient to do in combination with a vibrating screed. The scope of application covers private and capital construction, so any construction team must have such a tool.

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