How to choose a saw for aerated concrete: types, application, block cutting technology

Aerated concrete hacksaw is a special tool designed for sawing and cutting lightweight cellular concrete, thanks to which you can simplify the task and increase efficiency. Due to the high popularity of aerated concrete in private and industrial construction, the choice and purchase of a hacksaw becomes relevant for everyone who works with the material.

Aerated concrete is a lightweight type of concrete with pores inside. It is light, durable, but fragile. Therefore, a regular hacksaw is not suitable for cutting - the tool will quickly wear out due to the high abrasiveness of aerated concrete, and the block itself may crumble or become cracked. Using a special hacksaw makes it possible to cut blocks into pieces of any size and configuration simply, quickly and efficiently.

Typically, a hacksaw for concrete of this type is used in cases where it is necessary to make additional aerated concrete blocks, adjust the existing material to the required size, create a non-standard shape, etc. Before purchasing a tool for cutting aerated concrete, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics and selection criteria.

Tools for cutting aerated concrete

To decide how to cut aerated concrete blocks, you should pay attention to such nuances as:

  1. Properties of the cutting tool.
  2. Number of problems to be solved.

Craftsmen also take into account the dimensions of the blades, since to process a small amount of material during home repairs it is enough to use a hand saw, but to perform large volumes of work you will need a powerful saw for aerated concrete.

A professional electric saw for aerated concrete can be used daily with simultaneous loads for more than 6 hours. It is more expensive than simple inventions, but demonstrates better performance and speed.

When looking for a suitable tool, you should not be fooled by advertising and buy the most expensive models. For a beginner, a primitive hand tool is enough. Then you can move on to professional-level products.

Recommendations for performing work

To use the tool more effectively, you need to follow several recommendations. This will help reduce the consumption of effort and time. General recommendations for work:

  1. Do not work on aerated concrete wet from rain, as dust will stick and impede the movement of the hacksaw.
  2. Make a miter box (can be made from wood waste). Place it on top of the block, and the canvas will accurately follow the created grooves.
  3. Correlate the length of the blade and the span to ensure complete removal of concrete chips.
  4. Mark the blocks using a square.

Choosing the best tool for the job is the main condition for performing high-quality masonry. It is not difficult to choose one, since there is a wide variety of types of hacksaws for aerated concrete from various companies and manufacturers on sale.


When figuring out how to cut aerated concrete, you need to consider the features of the following hand tools:

  1. Hacksaw with a rigid blade. It has a short blade and can be used for working with aerated concrete blocks no more than 20 cm thick. Cutting aerated concrete blocks with such a saw is convenient and quick.
  2. Hacksaw with an enlarged and flexible cutting element. To ensure an even and accurate cut, you should adhere to cutting technology.


The advantages of the listed types of hand saws include:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. No deformation processes during intensive use.
  3. No chips on the surface.
  4. Possibility of use for longitudinal and transverse cutting.
  5. Optimal price.


But besides the advantages, hand tools also have a number of disadvantages. First of all, this is the need to purchase a metal square, which will prevent distortions from occurring when cutting incorrectly. Cutting work also takes a lot of time and requires some skills.

To obtain a high-quality cut, you need to choose the right saw for aerated concrete. There are ready-made kits on sale that are designed specifically for this type of building materials.

Where is it used?

Quite often, to cut aerated concrete, inexperienced craftsmen take an ordinary hacksaw for wood, which usually ends in damage to the tool and poor quality of the cut. A regular hacksaw is not designed to work specifically with porous aerated concrete, and you need to choose the right tool.

So, sawing with a hand hacksaw will take on average 5 times more time and effort than using a special saw for a gas block. The main distinguishing feature of the tool is the presence of special pobedit (carbide) soldering on all teeth. The pobedite element has increased strength and is used for a reason.

What problems are solved by pobedite soldering on hacksaw teeth:

  1. Significant extension of the service life of the tool - thanks to strong soldering, the teeth do not wear out or wear out during the cutting process, so you can cut many blocks without worrying about the rapid failure of the saw.
  2. Facilitating and increasing the efficiency of the sawing procedure - teeth with pobedit tips cope with the material easier and faster (albeit with the appearance of a large amount of dust, and therefore it is necessary to work in a respirator).
  3. Significant savings due to the absence of the need to spend money on expensive gasoline and electric tools for cutting aerated concrete.

What is a hand saw for aerated concrete blocks used for:

  • Dividing one block in half to produce smaller elements.
  • Cutting off excess in isolated cases (when creating additional elements).
  • Refinement of the existing form of aerated block (when some unusual structures are created).

The design of a hacksaw for aerated concrete is very simple: the working part is a blade with teeth located on one side, and the handle is made in the form of a handle, which the master holds during the implementation of the work. The saw is completely reminiscent of the design of a wood hacksaw, with the only difference being that the teeth are usually made of a different shape and design.

How to cut with a hacksaw using a miter box

To make the process of cutting gas silicate blocks comfortable and efficient, you can use a special device called a miter box. It looks like a rectangular wooden structure in the form of two letters P, connected by corners.

Between these elements there is a gap that provides cutting. To strengthen it, you need to secure wooden blocks on both sides. The gap dimensions are chosen so that the saw has free movement, but does not “walk”. The gap in the platform is slightly wider than in the side part, since waste will accumulate there.

To ensure the optimal degree of rigidity, it is better to choose large corners made from thick metal. The block to be cut is placed inside the space from the letters “P”, and a hacksaw is installed in the gap.

Using such a primitive device, you can increase cutting efficiency and achieve maximum cutting accuracy. When starting the workflow, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Use a pencil and ruler to mark.
  2. Then you should make shallow cuts along it.
  3. After this, you can use the miter box: a block is placed in the work area, and then the necessary fragments with marks are cut off.

The process of sawing a standard block with dimensions 400x250 mm and density D500 with a hand hacksaw takes no more than 5 minutes. If you need to build a large building, the time required will increase.


The electric band saw is a professional tool powered by a closed band made of high-strength metal. The advantage of the device is that it supports height adjustment and optimal performance. Using a cutting blade, you can make a high-quality longitudinal or shaped cut.

Chain models are used to organize U-shaped blocks from simple structures. To extend the service life of equipment and maintain it in working condition, it is important to carry out deep cleaning of working parts from lubricants and oils in a timely manner. Otherwise, dust will begin to accumulate on the sticky consistency, which will lead to rapid wear of the working parts.

Aerated concrete block cutting machine

Professional machines provide maximum accuracy and evenness in cutting aerated concrete blocks.
With their help, you can cut massive structures into small parts, giving them any shape and size. Due to its relatively small dimensions, the machine can be placed in a garage or garden. The design of the machine resembles a frame with the following components:

  1. Auger for cleaning the top.
  2. Electric drives.
  3. Cutting parts.
  4. Trigger mechanism.
  5. Winch.
  6. Cart.

The block is passed through a screw mechanism, which ensures the correct geometry of the sides. After this, a frame with cutting blades is lowered onto the aerated concrete structure to cut the monolith. The finished product is transferred to the warehouse.

The advantages of the machines include:

  1. Improved performance indicators.
  2. Economical consumption of labor resources.

Disadvantages include high cost and small size, which provides optimal conditions for cutting.

When choosing tools for processing aerated concrete products, it is necessary to take into account the specifics and volume of work. In this case, they will serve for a long time and with high quality.

Reciprocating saw

A reciprocating saw is an electrical device that resembles a jigsaw. Its design includes a durable body and cutting element.

Using a variety of reciprocating saw attachments, you can make both straight and inverted cuts. It is equipped with flat cutting elements reminiscent of a saber, which is where the name comes from.

These parts move forward in a rotational-translational motion. The cutting speed is indicated on the block. Existing types of reciprocating saws may differ in engine power and cutting blade length.

The amplitude of vibration is 2-5 cm, and the frequency of movements per minute exceeds 3000. If the blade is damaged, it can be replaced with a new one. The thermal energy generated during cutting is dissipated through the ventilation holes.

The advantages of reciprocating saws include:

  1. High cutting accuracy.
  2. High efficiency of application.
  3. Possibility to change the cutting depth.
  4. Possibility of adjusting blocks to specified sizes.
  5. Possibility of cutting grooves for wires.

One of the disadvantages of the equipment is the relatively high cost, which varies from 5 to 14 thousand rubles. Blades for processing wood and metal are supplied with the equipment.

If you need to process aerated concrete structures, purchase a special cloth. It cannot be found in every store, which is due to the low popularity of the files.

Alligator saw

Some inexperienced craftsmen often confuse the Alligator saw with a classic reciprocating product. However, this model has some differences. When in operation, the Alligator sets the saw blades in motion, which resembles the movement of the jaws of a crocodile.

Unlike reciprocating models, such devices do not perform reciprocating movements, since the cut is carried out by a fixed saw bar.

The advantages of this saw include the following points:

  1. High engine power, which allows you to process thick blocks of aerated concrete.
  2. Due to the counter-movement of the blades, the block remains stable.
  3. The design provides for a blade brake and a switch lock.
  4. There is enhanced dust protection.
  5. The saw is quite convenient to use.
  6. Replacing consumable components is easy.

The saw comes complete with a hexagon and a pair of blades for cutting gas silicate structures.

One of the disadvantages of the product is its high cost. Therefore, the purchase of such a tool is justified only in cases of professional use on large construction sites.

Electric chain saw

An electric chain saw is versatile, so it can be found in every man’s home workshop. The device consists of the following elements:

  1. Cutting element.
  2. Saw bar.
  3. Tension mechanism.
  4. Chain lubrication system.
  5. Blocking shield.

The internal part is arranged as follows: a closed loop moves along a guide passing through two sprockets. The front sprocket is fixed at the end of the guide and is driven. At the rear there is another element mounted on the drive shaft. It is connected to an electric motor and starts the process of moving the chain. There is a protrusion on the body near the rear sprocket.

For smooth operation of the saw, it is necessary to correctly adjust the tension by tightening a special screw on the body. The cutting process is ensured by the circular movement of the blades mounted on the contour.


Experts believe that chain saws are the most optimal solution for arranging U-configuration blocks. This is due to the end cut. Other advantages include:

  1. Increased material processing speed. This is due to the increased performance of the engines.
  2. Comfortable weight balancing: with this saw you can make high-quality cuts at an angle and overhead.
  3. The kit includes guide rails, the length of which varies from 30-40 cm.

The advantage of chain models is their relatively low cost.


The key disadvantage of a chain saw is the rapid wear of the cutting blade, since it is designed for wood processing, but is used for other purposes. To prevent such a problem, it is better to buy a special chain with pobedit soldering.

It costs more than a simple chain, but lasts longer. In Moscow you can find different models of such devices with different characteristics and properties.

During cutting, intense overheating and stretching of the chain is noticed. As a result, the master has to get rid of one link in order to return the chain to its previous size. To prevent overheating, you should turn off the equipment in time.

If you have to perform large volumes of work in difficult conditions, the sprocket teeth begin to grind down, which makes them unsuitable for use. The process of replacing sprockets does not require large investments, but it is a waste of valuable time, since it becomes necessary to contact the service center in search of the optimal part.

The electric motor is afraid of exposure to dust, which accumulates with intensive use of gas silicate blocks. As a result, the saw becomes unusable and cannot be repaired.

Types of hacksaws for aerated concrete

Construction stores and specialized online sites offer a variety of hacksaws for aerated concrete to choose from. All tools have the same design and outwardly differ little from the well-known saws for wood or concrete. The main parts of the device: handle and cutting blade. The peculiarity of a hacksaw for aerated concrete lies in the design of the saw teeth. They are reinforced with Teflon coating or have small solderings made of pobedit alloy.

Expert opinion Vitaly Kudryashov builder, aspiring author

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Pobedit is a super-hard alloy containing up to 90% tungsten carbide and up to 10% cobalt. Pobedite alloy is characterized by high hardness and is widely used in the processing of various materials: from relatively soft wood to dense rocks.

Inexpensive models of hacksaws for gas blocks may not have pobedit tips at all. Such a tool will not last long - at most, with its help you will be able to cut 20-30 m3 of gas blocks. A high-quality tool has a 10-20 times longer service life.

Classification of hacksaws by drive type

The gas block hacksaw can be driven manually or using a mounted engine. In turn, the engine can be electric or gasoline.

Hand tools. They are ordinary reciprocating saws, which are driven by human muscular power. The saw handle is made of wood or plastic. When choosing, you need to take into account the size and configuration of the handle so that it is convenient to work with the tool.


  • energy independence;
  • light weight;
  • ease of use;
  • low price.

The only drawback of a hand saw for aerated concrete is low productivity. The tool is suitable for those who rarely deal with aerated concrete.

Electric hacksaws. Power tools running on 220 V or battery power. The cutting part can be in the form of a reciprocating saw or a disk. In general, you can turn any electric saw into an electric hacksaw for aerated concrete by replacing its blade with a tightly tipped one with Pobedit tips and teeth of a suitable size.


  • high performance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low noise level.

The disadvantage of an electric hacksaw is the need to connect to an electrical outlet. At the same time, the long cord interferes with work. An electric hacksaw for aerated concrete with Pobedit soldering on batteries is autonomous, but due to the battery it has a lot of weight, and is significantly inferior in power to a corded tool. Another drawback is the price. The cost of a power tool is 2-3 times more expensive than a hand tool. Electric hacksaws are recommended for those who want to cut aerated concrete blocks quickly and still have access to an electrical outlet.

Gasoline hacksaws. They are a regular chainsaw equipped with a chain with pobedit tips. To work with gas-powered tools, especially high-power ones, you need some skill.


  • very high productivity;
  • energy independence;
  • durability.

Expert opinion Vitaly Kudryashov builder, aspiring author

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Disadvantages of a gasoline hacksaw: heavy weight, danger from gasoline exhaust. The cost of gas powered tools is 5-6 times more expensive than hand tools.

Classification of hacksaws by blade type

By design, saw blades are:

  • reciprocating - for hand, electric and petrol tools;
  • belt and disk - for electric and gasoline units.

The main characteristics of the canvas are length and thickness. The thicker the blade, the less it bends during operation and the faster it cuts aerated concrete. However, when using thick saw blades, the cut results in a rough cut. To obtain filigree sawing, blades with a thickness of no more than 0.5 mm should be used. For regular sawing, the thickness can range from 1 to 5 mm. The length of the saw is 50-70 cm. Hacksaws with a shorter saw length are inconvenient to use for standard blocks. The 70-centimeter blade is convenient for cutting the block lengthwise and crosswise.

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