How to raise a wooden house to fill the foundation with your own hands

Despite the wide range of materials used for the construction of buildings, wood is traditionally used for the construction of dachas and country houses. It has many advantages, the main one of which is environmental friendliness. All types of wooden materials - beams, boards, panels and logs require special processing to ensure long-term operation. However, wooden structures lose their properties over time and need to be restored or replaced. Lifting a house with a small mass allows you to solve this problem.

Owners of wooden houses are interested in how to raise a house with their own hands. This is a serious operation that requires careful preparation. It is important to maintain the geometry of the box, ensure the integrity of the internal and external decoration and prevent destruction. The process of moving with special jacks allows you to provide access to problem areas, securing the building with strong supports made of metal or concrete.

Having decided to jack up a house on your own, you need to thoroughly understand the technology, make preparations and purchase everything necessary for lifting. In this case, it is necessary to strictly comply with safety requirements.

Projects of houses made of timber

Number of projects 685

  • 2 rooms
  • 1 bathroom

House project "Oka"

To favorites

  • 61.8² Total area
  • 12 x 5m Construction area

from 814,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 3 rooms
  • 1 bathroom

House project No. 59

To favorites

  • 110.11² Total area
  • 10 x 11m Construction area

from RUR 1,486,485 Construction time individually

  • 2 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

Marseille House Project

To favorites

  • 160.39² Total area
  • 14 x 9m Construction area

from 1,950,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 3 rooms
  • 1 bathroom

Alla House Project

To favorites

  • 111² Total area
  • 8 x 10m Construction area

individual calculation Construction period individually

  • 4 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

Altair House Project

To favorites

  • 195.12² Total area
  • 14 x 11m Construction area

from 2,112,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 4 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

Corfu House Project

To favorites

  • 178² Total area
  • 12 x 9m Construction area

from 1,120,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 6 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

Project of the House "Nadine"

To favorites

  • 191² Total area
  • 14 x 10m Construction area

from 4,393,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 4 rooms
  • 4 bathrooms

Project Summer Guest House “Quartet”

To favorites

  • 108² Total area
  • 6 x 9m Construction area

from 833,000 rub. Construction time individually

1 bathroom

House project "Kama"

To favorites

  • 42² Total area
  • 7 x 6m Building area

from 633,033 rub. Construction time individually

  • 4 rooms
  • 1 bathroom

Admiral House Project

To favorites

  • 112² Total area
  • 8 x 7m Construction area

from RUB 1,334,715 Construction time individually

  • 3 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

House Project No. 12002

To favorites

  • 91² Total area
  • 8 x 8m Construction area

from RUR 4,685,702 Construction time individually

  • 4 rooms
  • 3 bathrooms

Project of the House "Rada"

To favorites

  • 161.2² Total area
  • 10 x 8m Construction area

from 3,703,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 8 rooms
  • 4 bathrooms

House Project "BK 31" Duplex

To favorites

  • 329.2² Total area
  • 23 x 12m Construction area

from 3,209,700 rub. Construction time individually

Available at the exhibition

  • 5 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

House Project Sevastopol

To favorites

  • 138² Total area
  • 10 x 8m Construction area

from 980,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 4 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

Project AS-2340

To favorites

183² Total area

from 2,470,500 rub. Construction time individually

  • 4 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

House Project No. 12005

To favorites

  • 174² Total area
  • 12 x 9m Construction area

from 6,515,782 rub. Construction time individually

Available at the exhibition

  • 3 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

House Project "Thor's Palace"

To favorites

  • 121² Total area
  • 9 x 9m Construction area

from 2,080,550 rub. Construction time individually

  • 6 rooms
  • 3 bathrooms

House Project MPC-1816-F0150-0316

To favorites

  • 316² Total area
  • 14 x 12m Construction area

from 5,674,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 5 rooms
  • 3 bathrooms

Marina House Project

To favorites

  • 291.6² Total area
  • 18 x 19m Construction area

from 3,783,000 rub. Construction time individually

  • 5 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms

House Project MPC-1816-F0045-0123

To favorites

123² Total area

from 2,173,000 rub. Construction time individually

View all projects

Even now, many people build houses from logs or timber. But the tree is susceptible to rot and fungal diseases. Therefore, there is a need to replace the lower crown. And in this article we will talk about how to lift a house with a jack with your own hands

You will learn what the technology is for this type of work, how to determine by external signs whether a log house needs repairs, and why it is important to be well prepared for raising a house. At the end of the article you will find information about common mistakes and a video on how to pour a foundation for a raised frame

A wooden house needs to be raised periodically to carry out repairs Source

General information

Before determining the complexity of the work and proceeding with its implementation, it is necessary to inspect the building.

Foundation problems are indicated by signs such as:

  • Presence of cracks in the walls;
  • Warping of the house;
  • Subsidence of the building can be either complete or partial, for example, touching one corner.

After inspecting the building, you need to examine the foundation itself to determine what type of repair is needed:

Type of repairPeculiarities
PartialIf the foundation has only slightly sunk into the ground or a separate part of it has become unusable, you should think about how to raise a rickety wooden house and “build up” the sagging section of the foundation.
CapitalNecessary if the base is severely damaged.

Below we will take a closer look at both repair options.

Hydraulic jack

Technology of lifting a house using a jack

After preparing the house for lifting it with a jack, you need to make sure that the walls are secure. First, control strips with markings are installed at a distance of 50-100 cm. Then mounting openings are formed for installing the jack. If necessary, the bonding layer between the foundation and the wooden wall is destroyed.

In order to lift a house with a jack, you need to do the following.

  1. Install the hydraulic jack into the installation opening. Its size should ensure the installation of support boards.
  2. In one approach, the building rises no more than 20 mm.
  3. After this, support boards are placed to fix the position.
  4. You need to move clockwise (or counterclockwise).
  5. A fixed amount of lift is performed on all mounting holes at one time.
  6. Without the use of special equipment, the maximum lifting height can be 50-60 cm.

After the work is completed, the foundation is repaired or a new one is poured, and the lower crowns of the wooden house are replaced. Additionally, it is recommended to check the condition of the support beams, and, if necessary, replace some of them and treat them with antiseptics.

It is important to follow safety rules while performing work. You cannot be under the building; all actions are performed outside the area where the foundation of the house is located. Before starting repair activities, you should make sure that the walls are securely fixed

Before starting repair activities, you should make sure that the walls are securely fixed.

Upon completion of the work, you need to prepare the surface of the foundation for installing a building on it - laying roofing material, treating it with special compounds. Lowering the house is carried out according to a similar scheme. A jack is installed in the technological opening and the wall is fixed. Then some of the support boards are removed, after which the jack is lowered. The procedure is repeated until the house is completely fixed on the foundation.

Technology and stages

First you need to move all the furniture from the house and prepare for the fact that the work to replace the foundation will take at least 6 weeks, depending on the rate of hardening of the concrete solution.

The work is divided into several stages.

Installation of jacks. They must be located in a continuous area of ​​the base and used at a uniform speed to avoid damage to the crown of the house. Raising the building. It is necessary to raise the walls 6 cm higher and remove dilapidated elements. It is first necessary to make supports from the beams, treating each with an antiseptic. In place of the new foundation you need to fill 10 cm of gravel

It is important to raise the structure gradually: no more than 2 cm at a time on each side. After each lift, it is necessary to fix the position of the house using log supports.

  • Removing old material. Damaged masonry is dismantled using a crowbar and chisel. If the foundation has retained its integrity in some places, then it is left.
  • Installation of a new foundation. First of all, you need to prepare a trench, the depth of which will be greater than before. A sand cushion is poured onto its bottom, then a reinforcement frame and formwork for waterproofing are constructed.

After this, you can begin pouring the concrete solution. It will harden in about 2 weeks. After this time, boards and temporary supports are placed on the first section of the base. The frame of each subsequent section is connected using reinforcement.

The final stage of the work will be the installation of the house on a new foundation. The fixing temporary beams are removed.

It is necessary to follow the rules and the sequence of stages of work - then you will be able to properly repair or replace the foundation under a wooden house.

To learn how to replace the foundation of a sagging wooden house, see the following video.

Pricing and labor intensity of the task

The price of work for raising a house depends on the type of house and its height.


1. Raise a 6x6 frame house with exposed floors and without internal supports - from 35,000 - 45,000 rubles

2. Lifting a timber house or a 6x6 log with exposed floors and without internal supports - from 40,000 - 50,000 rubles

3. The presence of a veranda, porch and other outbuildings – + 7,000 – 13,000 rub.

4. Availability of nearby groundwater – + 7,000 – 13,000 rub.

More details in the table below:

Cost of work: replacement of the lower crowns and floor.

Name of worksUnit measured PriceName of worksUnit measured Price
Replacement crowns timber 150x150m linearfrom 1000rReplacement of crowns timber 200x200m linearfrom 1400r
Replacing the crowns of timber 250x250m linearfrom 2000rReplacing log crownsm linearfrom 1500r
Dismantling the floor and joistsm2from 100rInstallation of logsm linearfrom 200r
Floor installationm2from 600rBeam for logsm3from 8500r
Edged boardm3from 8500rBattenm2from 600r

Cost of work: repair of foundations, raising of the house.

Name of worksUnit measured PriceName of worksUnit measured Price
Dismantling foundation walls. 0.4m m. linearfrom 1000rConstruction of a blind area 0.8m wide with work and materialsm linear3500rub
Dismantling foundation walls. 0.6m m linearfrom 2000rPouring the foundation with a pump (excluding pumping station)m3from 1000r
Replacing the foundation with a pile-beam foundation, pile diameter 0.25m, widening 0.52m, depth 1.8mm linearfrom 7200rPouring a foundation without a pumpm3from 2500r
Replacing the foundation with a “grid” h plinth 0.6 m, tape width 0.4 mm linearfrom 7200rSurface drainage device with a trench depth of 0.8 mm linear4000rub
Repair, strengthening of the foundationm linear5000rConcrete M300m3from 3500r

The difficulty of lifting an old log house onto its foundation lies in the danger of the work.

If the owners of the facility have taken care of the preliminary stages of preparation in advance, then the work will be easier, faster and more reliable.

It is recommended to evaluate the object completely - the visible problem is not always the only one.

The approximate price of additional work is as follows: Lifting and leveling a blocked corner - from 9,000 rubles

Raising/leveling the wall of a large house - 20,000 rubles. Dismantling of house cladding - from 200 rubles m2. Raising a house up to 40 cm – price without additional factor. Lifting up to 1 m – price with additional charge. coefficient + 100%. Raising a two-story log house - from 100 thousand rubles.

Our website presents a number of log house projects, for example: Or you can see all prices for log houses . You can calculate the house or bathhouse you need with maximum accuracy using our log house cost calculator. To order and buy a log house, call:

  • Vologda
  • Moscow,

How to avoid foundation subsidence

If a corner of the house suddenly or gradually subsides, the question of how to strengthen the foundation becomes the most pressing for the building owner. However, it is worth thinking about such a situation even at the time of construction of the building.

The cost of creating the supporting structure of a home can account for up to 30% of the total construction cost. And the durability and other operating characteristics of the building directly depend on its strength indicators. Mistakes made during bookmarking can lead to fatal consequences.

In addition, solving the problem of how to strengthen and raise part or the entire structure that has sagged as a result of operation will require significant effort and financial investment. To prevent a collapsed foundation from becoming an unpleasant surprise in the future, construction must be approached responsibly.

First of all, it should be remembered that specific, complex construction work must be carried out by experienced specialists with the appropriate qualifications, knowledge and skills. Laying the foundation of a house yourself is unacceptable in the absence of construction experience. In most cases, this leads to the need to strengthen the foundation or urgently correct a poorly made structure.

Preparatory activities, building materials and tools for lifting

When preparing to raise a house on jacks, it is necessary to carry out the following preparatory measures:

  • carry out a visual inspection;
  • analyze the complexity of the work performed;
  • estimate the duration of repair activities;
  • select a moving method;
  • prepare the building for relocation.

Based on external signs, it is easy to determine the need for repair measures.

Please note the following points:

  • tilting of the house or skew of individual parts;
  • cracking of outdoor finishes and interior coverings;
  • partial or complete shrinkage of the house;
  • displacement of part of the base;
  • significant destruction of the supporting crown and foundation.

Before lifting the house with a jack, it is necessary to calculate the approximate load that falls on each corner.
Partial or complete movement of the building is carried out in order to perform the following restoration work:

  • local restoration or overhaul of the foundation;
  • preventing shrinkage of the building;
  • dismantling rotten load-bearing beams along the contour of the building;
  • eliminating distortions of walls and openings;
  • performing antiseptic treatment of wooden structures;
  • eliminating errors made during the construction process.

To make the right decision, you need to analyze a number of points:

  • weight of the building. The jack for moving is selected according to its load capacity. The volume of the building box must be multiplied by the density of the wood, which is 700 kg/m3, then add the mass of the roof and cladding. The resulting value, multiplied by a factor of 1.4, corresponds to the load capacity of the device;
  • dimensions of the building. With an increased building length of more than 6.5 meters, local shrinkage of wooden beams or beams is possible in the joining areas. In order to prevent distortions during movement, it is necessary to secure elements of additional reinforcement in the splice area;

Before you start lifting the house, you need to do a number of preparatory work

  • features of interior decoration. Certain types of interior cladding significantly complicate the implementation of measures to move a building. Sheet plasterboard and traditional plaster can crack under the influence of deformation processes. For reinforcement, boards 5 cm thick are nailed on the street side;
  • nature of the soil. The concentration of moisture in the surface layer of soil and its structure make certain adjustments to construction activities. The jack, under the influence of loads, can easily sink into soft and wet soil. The use of metal panels and concrete elements allows you to increase the supporting area;
  • estimated vertical displacement. The design features of the lifting device limit the length of the rod extension. The required height of movement is achieved by gradually placing beams under the support platform of the device;
  • duration of repair work. The duration of the activities depends on the complexity of the repair. It is risky to load the lifting rod for an extended period. It is necessary to use durable metal structures as temporary support for the structure.

Lifting the house to a convenient distance can be done in various ways:

  • using a truck crane. Lifting equipment on wheels is used to lift a building in order to move it to another territory;
  • using jacks. The use of small-sized lifting devices is popular when it is necessary to move light buildings vertically.

If you doubt the correct installation of the jack, you should stop the process of raising the house and place the tool correctly

Having decided to lift the house on screw or hydraulic supports, make the following preparations:

  • turn off the electrical power supply;
  • shut off the water supply lines;
  • disconnect the sewer line;
  • turn off the gas supply;
  • dismantle the floor around the stove or in the boiler area;
  • disconnect the gas boiler;
  • ensure the box remains stationary with braces.

To carry out restoration measures, prepare:

  • a jack whose load capacity corresponds to the calculated value;
  • wooden panels to increase the area of ​​the supporting surface;
  • steel linings made of thick sheet material measuring 25x25 cm;
  • tools necessary to dismantle the support beam along the contour of the building;
  • grinder complete with discs for cutting metal and wood.

Having prepared your tools and materials, start lifting.

If the house moves sideways during lifting, install jacks on the side that turns out to be lower

Preparatory work

You can raise a house without the use of special construction equipment - in our case we will use hydraulic or any other design of jacks capable of developing sufficient force to lift a load weighing 10 tons. If they are not available, you should not think about buying equipment - you can rent it in one of the railway depots.

We will also need a steel scrap, wedges, and a sledgehammer - tools that are mostly needed to dismantle the old foundation. As temporary supports, you can use chocks, massive beams, bricks, as well as boards of different thicknesses, which will act as spacers. The jack must be installed on a strong square base with sides of at least 50 cm. As such a platform, you can use boards and beams knocked into a shield, or any other durable material. In order to evenly transfer the force from the jack rod to the lower crowns of the house, you will need to cut or find a steel plate at least 5 mm thick.

If you have to deal with a columnar foundation with a backfill, then the latter will have to be dismantled before starting work on replacing the base. It is recommended to remove all furniture and other heavy items from the house and dismantle the floors.

Raising a wooden house

The building is lifted using jacks, which are installed on both sides of the building at a distance of 0.5 m from its corners. The jacks are fixed on a specially prepared support platform, which, if necessary, is buried in the ground to give it maximum stability. The house is lifted, if possible, simultaneously from both sides, evenly, no more than 1.5-2 cm at a time. Immediately fix the result obtained with temporary supports.

If strong bends of the lower crowns are noticeable as a result of raising the house, install additional jacks

At this stage, it is important to control the process so that the building does not move to the side, because as it rises, its center of gravity changes

Dismantling the old foundation

When the house is raised to a sufficient height and securely secured to it with temporary supports, they begin to dismantle the old foundation. Rubble and brickwork are broken using a crowbar, chisels and any other convenient tools. Some of the materials that have retained their quality indicators can be used to form a new base.

Construction of a new foundation

In our case, we will consider replacing the columnar base with MZF - an option that is best suited as a foundation for one-story houses. The construction of a new foundation begins with excavation work: a trench is dug, the depth of which must necessarily exceed the depth at which the base of the old foundation was located. The trench is dug in a U-shape - this is necessary to form a frame with reinforcement outlets to combine all sections of the foundation into a single rigid structure. If it is planned to build new structures adjacent to the house, then the trench is dug based on the design data. For example, at this stage it is best to think about the foundation for an extension to the house.

After the time has passed during which the concrete has acquired sufficient strength (about two weeks), boards are laid on the first element of the strip base, on which temporary supports are installed. In turn, temporary supports are dismantled on the opposite side of the house, and the site is developed similarly to the method described above. The same is done with the remaining elements, only straight sections of the trench are dug out for them, and reinforcement is carried out by connecting the existing reinforcement outlets to the frame of the new section of the tape.

At the final stage, the house is lowered onto a new waterproofed foundation, ensuring the uniformity of the process. If necessary, before lowering the house, you can replace the lower crowns.

Preparing to install jacks

The method of installing the jack depends on the type of foundation of the house. On strip and slab foundations, you have to cut a rectangular hole either in the foundation or in the lower crowns. On columnar or pile foundations, strong wooden panels are laid on the ground, on which jacks are installed.

When equipping a place for a jack, it is necessary to prepare a flat and strong platform that will allow the tool to withstand the weight of the wall, which often reaches 3–5 tons. It is also necessary to stock up on metal triangular four-legged spacers (supports, bedside tables) with the ability to adjust in height (they can be purchased at any auto store), and wooden planks of various widths and thicknesses. It is advisable that the width of the slats should not be less than 20 cm, optimally 40–50 centimeters. Such planks can be made from boards with a thickness of 50, 25 and 10 mm, connecting them using half-wood jumpers of the same thickness.

If you are going to completely replace the foundation and grillage under the house, then you will need metal channels and corners to weld them into a temporary structure that will take the weight of the house until you finish all the work and the new foundation acquires the required strength.

Choose places for jacks so that the distance from the corner is 1–2 meters, and between the jacks there is 3–4 meters. Larger homes may require up to 10 jacks.

Precautionary measures

In order to properly raise a house without causing damage to the structure itself and the people carrying out the manipulations, it is necessary to analyze a number of factors.

  • Mass of the building. Each jack must provide 40% of the total lifting capacity. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the total weight of the building: the cubic capacity of the box is multiplied by the specific gravity of the wood (it is equal to 0.8 t/m3), and the weight of the roofing and finishing is added to the resulting value.
  • Box dimensions. If the length of the structure exceeds 6 m, there is a high probability of logs and beams sagging at the junction, then additional installation of supporting elements in the areas where they are joined may be necessary.
  • Features of internal cladding. If plaster or plasterboard sheets were used for interior decoration of walls and rooms, this can significantly complicate the implementation of all necessary work. In order to avoid repeated renovation of the interior, it is necessary to additionally install 50 cm thick boards on the outside - they are placed in the corners.
  • Soil features. Depending on the type and structure of the soil on which the jack is fixed, it may be necessary to use concrete blocks of increased area. This way you can protect the lifting mechanism from diving.
  • Lifting height. Typically, the length of the working stroke is limited by the design features of the lift itself. The use of special pads made of durable timber with a rectangular cross-section will allow you to achieve the required moving height.
  • Repair work should be carried out without haste. The total duration of lifting and returning a house using a jack is determined by the level of difficulty. Sometimes the work takes longer - in this case, it is extremely undesirable to support the structure on racks; it is best to use temporary metal or wooden structures that have a sufficiently large supporting platform.

Watch the following video for the process of raising a house with a jack.

How to raise a house with your own hands - detailed instructions

To lift a house with a jack, a different number of lifting devices can be used depending on their availability and the weight of the structure:

use of one lift

When moving different points of the building one by one, it is important to make a vertical displacement of no more than 5 cm in one cycle. This will avoid irreversible deformations, which can result in skewing of doors, cracking of finishes and damage to the integrity of glass.

The raised area is fixed with bars, and the jack is moved to the next area. Performing operations allows you to consistently raise the house to the same level;

use of two lifting devices. Vertical movement devices should be positioned correctly and both points should not be hung simultaneously. Each section is lifted in turn, which prevents the building from moving in the direction opposite to the lifts and being seriously deformed. The lifting algorithm using two devices is similar to the previously discussed option;

synchronous operation of four devices. The use of equipment installed in the corner areas of the building makes it possible to lift a wooden structure as efficiently and safely as possible, moving 2–4 cm at a time. It is important to ensure synchronization to ensure smooth movement by giving a voice command to the workers. It is possible to use professional equipment equipped with a synchronous control system.

Place the jack on a strong wooden board, and between the head of the jack and the log against which it will rest, place a steel plate with a recess for the head

The step-by-step methodology recommends performing jacking activities, following the sequence of operations:

  1. Determine the lifting pattern and the location of lifting devices.
  2. Compact the soil where the jacks are located.
  3. Place larger supports under the lifting device.
  4. Form a support plane using plates in the rod contact area.
  5. Lift each section to a height of no more than 2–4 cm in one cycle.
  6. Install, if necessary, fixing pads.
  7. Carry out work by controlling the position of the house with a level and ensuring its uniform movement.
  8. Place powerful stops in the work area to ensure that the structure cannot be lowered in the event of an accidental failure or breakdown of the lifting device.

What type of jack can I use?

The house is lifted to a given height using the following lifting devices:

  • screw. They are distinguished by their reliability and simplicity of design. The force is perceived by the working surface of the platform, fixed at right angles to the axis of the threaded rod. The screw device has an increased load capacity and compact dimensions;
  • hydraulic. The working body of a hydraulic lift moves as a result of the pressure of the working fluid on the piston. The amount of working pressure is regulated using a supercharger connected to a lever. The design is more complex than screw devices.

The increased level of reliability of lifting devices allows the use of devices for lifting a house made of wood.

What do experts advise?

According to reviews and advice from experts, the best jacks for raising wooden log houses are hydraulic jacks. Screw jacks can be used to lift the walls of frame and panel houses.

Photo: These small screw jacks will help lift not very heavy wooden structures.

Both types of jacks with a lifting capacity of two tons or more can lift the frame of a small house or bathhouse. According to the recommendations and reviews of wooden house construction specialists, it is necessary to raise wooden houses of log construction only after a detailed study of the structure of the wooden house itself. The whole point is in what scheme the bandaging of the lower crown with the floor beams of the subfloors is made. In different wooden buildings of a log structure, the fastening of floor beams and wall lining logs is different. The scheme for raising your timber frame structure will depend on this diversity.

What buildings can be raised

Using modern technological techniques, one-story wooden buildings can be easily jacked up. The materials used for such buildings are:

  • rounded logs;
  • square and rectangular beams;
  • prefabricated panels covered with planed boards or slabs.

The small size and weight of wooden buildings make them easier to move.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the process of lifting a house with a jack and learn all the intricacies of the technology.

Lifting the house

It is more convenient to raise the house to the required height with two jacks. Each of them is installed at a corner of the house along one wall. Once installation is complete, a test lift can be performed.

First, one corner is raised by 3-4 cm. After this action, a full inspection of the entire structure is performed.

If no changes in the structure of the building are detected, then the second corner is raised to the same height. And again you need to inspect the house from all sides.

Once this mark is reached, timber supports are installed under the house and the jacks are removed.

Now you need to raise the second wall. The sequence of actions on the other side of the house is exactly the same. When lifting, it is necessary to strictly control the vertical position of the house.

If at a certain stage the building is skewed, then you need to stop lifting and move the jack to the lowest place. In this case, it should be installed not vertically, but with an inclination.

Lifting should be done carefully, over a short distance. When the house is leveled, you need to put reliable supports under it.

Before continuing to rise to a given height, it is necessary to examine the soil around and find out the reasons for the resulting distortion.

Lifting technology

Many years of practice show that a wooden house can be lifted using one jack. In such a situation, you need to start lifting from the lowest angle.

Once this corner has been leveled, the procedure for preparing and lifting the house as a whole should be carried out in the same order in which two jacks are used.

To the question of how many jacks should be used to lift a building, the answer is simple - it is more convenient to do it with two jacks. One corner can be raised by an average of 5 cm at a time.

Fixing the house in a raised position

Practice shows that it is important not only to correctly raise the house to the required height, but also to securely fix it in this position. This can be done in different ways

To keep the house in a stable position, strong boards or a so-called bench are placed under the corners.

In appearance, this device is similar to an ordinary bench, only the bench is assembled from timber. It is installed perpendicular to the wall.

The fixation method is selected depending on the work that will be performed on the foundation. The video shows the house in a raised position.

Hydraulics: features, advantages and requirements

The hydraulic type of lifts differs in design (single and double plunger jacks) and type of drive (manual intermittent action or electric continuous action). You should definitely take an electro-hydraulic jack with you if you plan to travel long distances, but before purchasing you should familiarize yourself with its drawing, functions and main components.

In order for a hydraulic transmission jack to function optimally, it needs a liquid, for which experienced specialists recommend using machine oil. Due to the unique design of the ratchet, heavy loads can be lifted to great heights. Hydraulics should be used to repair cars in the garage, and its advantages include the following:

  • sustainability;
  • smooth operation;
  • accuracy of vehicle installation at the required level;
  • ease of use and high load capacity, due to which you can even pull trucks.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to leave the car on a jack during operation, even if it is the most reliable and stable one. For these purposes, you need to use special supports, which are often wheels or logs.

Hydraulic jack. Before purchasing hydraulics, you need to familiarize yourself with its disadvantages, which include the large weight and dimensions of the device, due to which it will be inconvenient to carry it in the trunk

You also need to ensure that there is no oil leakage, and use only one position to store the jack

Before purchasing hydraulics, you need to familiarize yourself with its disadvantages, which include the large weight and dimensions of the device, due to which it will be inconvenient to carry it in the trunk. You also need to ensure that there is no oil leakage, and use only one position to store the jack.

As for the pick-up height of the mechanism, it must correspond to the vehicle’s ground clearance, which is the distance from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the car. Hydraulics have a large lifting height, so they are not suitable for repairing passenger cars with low ground clearance (only if it is possible to lift the car first). Popular hydraulic jacks are represented by rolling and bottle mechanisms.

Dismantling the old base and installing a new one

So, the house is raised. Now you need to remove the old frame. To do this, use a chisel, a hammer drill and other complex powerful equipment. We are not in a hurry to throw away waste from the old foundation. They will still come in handy.

As soon as the old frame is removed, you can begin to form a pit for a new one. To do this, you can deepen the existing one a little or simply install a durable sand cushion 20 cm thick if the trench is deep enough. The sand is slightly moistened and compacted well.

  • Formwork is installed in the trench, taking into account the bypass of those places where jacks and support posts are located. These holes can later be simply filled with bricks.
  • A reinforcing belt is placed in the formwork, and care is taken that in the corners of the house it is bent and not welded. Since it is the corners of the building that will be responsible for the strength of the entire frame.
  • The solution is poured into the prepared formwork and waited for it to dry completely.
  • As soon as the concrete has dried, the crown logs are replaced if necessary. They can be tapped for rotting. If, when you knock on a log, it emits a ringing hum, then the wood is good. If the log has a dull echo, it means that it is rotting inside and requires replacement.
  • Logs are replaced down to those that are well preserved.

Upon completion of all work, the house is also simultaneously and gradually lowered onto a new foundation. Windows, doors, floors and roof are returned to their place. The new foundation is sprinkled with the remains of the broken old foundation and compacted with soil.

A wooden log house is ready for use for another 30-40 years, provided that the wood is well cared for.

Types of foundation deformation

In addition to finding out the reasons that led to the destruction of the foundation, it is necessary to give an adequate assessment of its extent. This will allow us to determine the possibility of strengthening the foundation and the feasibility of this event. Maintainability is determined in accordance with the following criteria:

1. Damage is minor

This includes violating the integrity of the foundation finishing. The presence of phenomena of this kind does not affect the strength of the foundation and does not reduce its bearing capacity. Eliminating them is easy.

2. The damage is moderate

The occurrence of cracks is associated with the process of subsidence or destruction of the base. Before starting work, it is necessary to differentiate the nature of the cracks. Their horizontal arrangement poses less danger compared to vertical or zigzag

In addition, it is important to find out what the nature of the process of foundation subsidence is. That is, this phenomenon is temporary or progressive. Average damage

To clarify this circumstance, beacons are used. Plain paper can be used as them, but there is a risk of it getting wet. The use of plaster plasters is recommended. The simplest method involves applying a small amount of putty to the surface. Then, using a spatula, a mark is made in the form of a straight line. Even a slight shift of the tested surface will be noticed. In addition, when using this method, you can find out at what speed the destruction process occurs.

Temporary subsidence will not be detected by beacons. In this case, most likely, some shift of the soil located under the foundation occurred, it was fixed in a certain position and the probability of further movement is low. Therefore, to eliminate defects, it is sufficient to carry out routine repairs.

When lighthouses are destroyed, it can be argued that the destruction process is progressing. Sealing cracks will not give the required effect, since the deformation is close to catastrophic.

3. The damage is catastrophic.

The presence of defects of this kind can cause destruction of the structure. Timely work to strengthen the foundation will prevent extremely negative consequences from occurring. However, in practice there are situations in which this opportunity is missed.

The choice of technology depends on the type of foundation. In this case, each specific case considers its strengthening or replacement.

4. It is not possible to eliminate deformations

The condition of the foundation is so poor that repairs are impractical. In such situations, the most correct solution is to demolish the building. From an economic point of view, dismantling a house is much cheaper and simpler than measures to strengthen the foundation. The construction of a new cottage on the site of the previous one in accordance with building codes and regulations will allow you to have comfortable and safe housing.

We prepare and pour the foundation for an old house

Everyone has seen at least once in their lives houses with deep cracks and warped walls.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether the old house is made of brick or wood, it’s still possible to make a new foundation

To solve this problem, you can do several things:

  1. Completely replace the foundation.
  2. Strengthen the existing foundation.
  3. If there is no foundation at all, raise the house onto the foundation.

It is clear that these methods are radically different in terms of complexity. To understand how much, you can watch a video of pouring the foundation for a house with your own hands on the Internet.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods of pouring the foundation for a house.

Complete replacement of the foundation under an old house

In this case, there is no other choice but to take up the arrangement of a reinforced strip foundation. To do this, the old timber house is raised using large jacks, the old destroyed foundation is dismantled and a new one is poured. Let's talk in more detail about all these works.

Raising the house

If it is not clear how to raise the house to pour the foundation, you just need to support the corners of the old wooden house. Then you need to raise those corners of the building that sag the most. For work, it will be enough to take or rent 2 jacks capable of lifting weights up to 5 tons. When one corner is raised, a wooden block or thick piece of metal is immediately placed.

It is important that when raising the sides of an old house, cracks do not appear. Therefore, you should not raise more than 20 mm. By the way, you don’t need to trust the jack 100%

It is better to place wooden blocks under the walls every 5 mm to be sure.

By the way, you don’t need to trust the jack 100%. To be sure, it is better to place wooden blocks under the walls every 5 mm.

Gradually it will be possible to raise the entire structure to the desired height. Install a few extra supports under the longest sides of the house, thereby protecting the builders from a possible fall.


This stage of replacing the foundation for a house is carried out using the following technology:

  • The old foundation is dismantled in its corners, we fill the base with medium grade crushed stone and only then the footing is poured.
  • Then the reinforced frame is prepared. A concrete structure with it will have high strength. Do not forget to tie the reinforcement cage together, plus release the reinforcement slightly from under the base.
  • Then you can make the formwork.
  • While pouring concrete, use a vibrator to force out any air pockets.
  • When the poured concrete dries, the remaining sections of the old foundation are dismantled and filled with new concrete, and so on until the entire foundation is replaced. In other words, it is possible to completely replace the old foundation with a new one only in separate parts. That is why it is more rational to divide the entire perimeter of the house by 2 meters. It is imperative to carry out concrete work through one segment. This will significantly increase occupational safety.

Until the foundation has hardened sufficiently, the house cannot be lowered.

Making a new foundation if there is no foundation under the old house at all

It is highly not recommended to pour the foundation for a house without reinforcement, since the foundation will not be strong and will collapse over time.

It may turn out that an old private house does not have any foundation. Then you need to “wrack” your brain on how to lift it onto the foundation without damaging it. Usually, old wooden huts were built without a foundation.

Technology for raising a house to its foundation

  1. You need to dig a trench along the entire perimeter using a spade bayonet (25 cm).
  2. Then logs or reinforced concrete piles should be installed under the bottom of the wooden house.
  3. The dug trench is filled with crushed stone to a height of 15 cm.
  4. Then the formwork is made from the inside under the house.
  5. Then you can move on to arranging it using metal frame reinforcement.
  6. Then you can make formwork on the outside (it is made a little higher). This will make it possible to add concrete when the formwork has already been removed.
  7. Adding fine crushed stone and further pouring concrete.

Strengthen the existing foundation of an old house

If the building already has an old foundation, it can be strengthened. In other words, you need to pour a new portion of concrete under the foundation of the old house. You need to follow these steps:

A trench is being dug around the perimeter of the house. Reinforcement is driven into the old foundation. But at the same time, it is necessary not to damage the existing foundation. After the problems are eliminated, the trench is filled with concrete

It is important that the concrete mixture penetrates into all holes in the old foundation.

In what situations is it necessary to raise a wooden house?

You need to immediately decide for what purpose the building will be raised. For example, this may have a temporary stage, after which the house will be installed at the previous horizontal level. In some cases, this is installation at a new point, which is actually located above the initial position

It is important to determine what main construction work is carried out in these processes:

  • strengthening and correcting the foundation;
  • replacement and restoration of the lower crowns of walls and partitions;
  • changing the floor level and height of the first floor of the house;
  • partial or complete reconstruction of the house.

It is also sometimes necessary to change the horizontal position of the house in terms of its height when the external decoration of the walls is expected. It is often recommended to separate the base, and the finishing material itself may not be in harmony in terms of physical properties, or may be reflected on an aesthetic level. Specialists must clarify this issue with the customer in a timely manner and jointly decide how to proceed with the work itself.

What will be more difficult and expensive out of all this is the work of fixing the foundation. Especially if it is necessary to work with concrete. It happens that a suburban area takes a serious blow, since it will be necessary to launch construction equipment, as well as store and transport building material.

Construction of a new foundation

Start by digging a trench: its bottom should be lower than the base of the old foundation. If you plan to build an extension at the same time, consider digging a trench under it as well.

Digging under a house with a regular shovel is inconvenient - buy a special one with a curved handle. It is all made of steel.

A gravel-sand cushion is placed at the bottom of the trench, which is filled in layers with compaction of each layer. The finished pillow is generously spilled with water.

The next step is to install the formwork. It can be removable or permanent (installation of permanent formwork for the foundation). The easiest way is to build small-panel formwork of a removable type, the elements of which are knocked down from boards (choosing a board for foundation formwork), planed on the inside.

Next, a reinforcing frame is constructed from rods with a diameter of 14-16 mm (horizontally located) and 8-10 mm (vertically located).

The frame must be installed in the trench in such a way that after pouring it is completely covered with concrete mixture - the distance from the upper and lower edges of the tape to the metal must be at least 50 mm.

Three days after pouring, the formwork can be dismantled, and the surfaces of the monolith can be glued with roofing material or treated with bitumen mastic.

How to choose a method of raising a house?

To raise a log house correctly, you need to consider the following factors:

  • weight of the building;
  • the length of the walls and the overall dimensions of the house;
  • type of building (frame, timber);
  • the duration of operation of the old house, the condition of its foundation;
  • soil structure under the foundation;
  • type of house foundation, materials used (stone, wood, concrete);
  • the purpose of raising the building.

If the entire foundation is affected, then it is necessary to raise the house completely. If you can get by with replacing only one part, then there are ways to partially raise it.

Builders have the following methods at their disposal to lift the structure:

  • using a crane (used if the house from the log house needs to be moved to another location);
  • using ropes that move under the structure (the method is optimal for light-weight and small-sized structures);
  • using a jack (a universal method recommended for different types and dimensions of the building).

How to determine the lift height?

In order to easily and accurately control the step height when lifting the corners of a building, it is necessary to install a rail with a pre-marked mark. It also needs to be moved to the corner of the building from the log house. When the house begins to rise, the mutual movement of the two marks will indicate the step height.

The jack rod is not suitable for measuring the lifting height. It gives inaccurate readings due to possible subsidence under the pressure of the structure. When lifting, it is necessary to control the position of the mechanism. If even the slightest deviation is noticed, work must be stopped and corrected.

Preparing to lift the building

Before lifting the house, it is necessary to carry out actions to ensure ease of lifting and further repairs. This is done to protect against sudden and unexpected destruction of the structure. The following must be done:

  • dismantle the outgoing sewer pipes;
  • disconnect the power line;
  • turn off the gas pipeline (if any);
  • cut off the heating pipes from the boiler and disassemble the chimney;
  • remove all furniture;
  • remove all doors and windows from the boxes;
  • reject or cut down interfering trees and bushes.

In many houses, the floor is built on joists that have their own columnar foundation. The walls of this building are connected to the floor only by baseboards, which will also have to be removed. In addition, the upper crowns on which the rafters are attached must be well connected to each other with reliable 50 mm thick blocks or bars so that the roof does not move apart. You also need to separate the veranda attached to the wall.

When everything is ready, choose suitable jacks for wooden houses. For ordinary standard buildings with a total area of ​​60 to 100 sq. meters, hydraulic jacks with a lifting capacity of 5 - 10 tons are quite suitable. You need at least 2 of them. Drivers of heavy-duty trucks always have such lifts.

Prepare wooden pallets with a thickness of at least 50 - 80 mm, on which jacks for lifting and steel plates for the heads of these devices will be installed. There should be a small depression in the center to prevent the jack from slipping.

Preparatory stage

No heavy equipment is required to lift the above-ground part of the house.

However, you will need a number of tools and accessories:

  • jacks with a force of 10 T - ideally there should be at least four of them. In order not to spend money on purchasing them, you can try to rent them at the nearest railway depot;
  • steel crowbar, sledgehammer, jackhammer - for dismantling the old foundation;
  • sledgehammer;
  • massive beams, bricks and chocks - for the construction of temporary supports;
  • boards - for use as spacers.

Jacks are not installed directly on the ground: a rigid foundation of sufficient strength will need to be placed under them. Such mobile platforms can be built from beams, thick boards, steel, etc. Therefore, care must be taken to prepare the appropriate materials.

You will need one more detail when lifting the house - a steel plate, which is laid between the lower rim of the frame and the head of the jack.

How to raise a wooden house to repair the foundation

It should be thick enough to allow reaming to be done for better fit of the gasket to the head.

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