Houses made of reinforced concrete panels - what are the features of such buildings?

from 825000 ₽
If you need to carry out high-speed construction of prefabricated houses from reinforced concrete panels, without serious losses, but with outstanding quality, order the design and implementation of the structure from the ROSSPETSHOLOD organization. It is possible to develop unique products of any complexity from scratch. We implement modifications or disassembly of the final building. Prefabricated houses made from reinforced concrete panels are constructed from durable modules manufactured at a local factory, an example would be panels of different densities. All of them meet the standards and will last a long time. The reliability of the buildings produced has been tested many times.

Advantages of prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels

  • Short construction time, almost instantaneous disassembly of prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels upon completion of construction, if necessary.
  • Insignificant mass of the selected materials, tiny load per meter with increased stability.
  • Prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels - and the construction of complex advanced prefabricated structures will be economical in price.
  • The option to create completely branded projects - these approaches help to implement projects of arbitrary complexity - both minimalistic in overall design and unique.

    There is no need to order a project, undergo an examination, or obtain a construction permit.


    The cost of prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels is equal to 4 years of rent for the same building.


    Due to the absence of columns in a minimum area, the maximum volume of the building can be filled.

Video description

About the construction of a reinforced concrete house using Finnish technology in the following video:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete houses . An entirely erected structure, for which formwork with a metal frame is erected on the foundation, into which concrete is poured. If the technology is followed, the shrinkage occurs evenly and the result is a box with incredibly smooth walls.

Monolithic projects have advanced capabilities:

  • Architectural freedom. An argument that allows you to move away from the standard template and create housing with several levels, arches, and ceilings of any height.
  • Large spans of floors. Allows you to design rooms of any size.
  • No restrictions on the width of window openings (possibility of panoramic glazing).
  • The absence of seams increases energy efficiency.
  • Possibility of organizing a cantilever extension, bay window, terrace or hanging floor.

Country house built using monolithic technology Source

  • Increased strength. For low-rise buildings with standard architecture, it may seem redundant and irrational. It will not be superfluous at all for complex architectural projects or in seismically active areas.

Stages of construction of prefabricated houses from reinforced concrete panels

  1. Creation of a structure with the required characteristics, formats, taking into account the details of the use of prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels and alternative aspects.
  2. When the design is approved, the stages of manufacturing light metal parts, profiled parts, sandwich panels and alternative elements begin for the construction and decoration of the building.
  3. Construction of the structure. First, the foundation of the structure is laid out, then the central metal structures are prepared, components are sheathed, and additional elements of prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels are installed - doors, roofs, etc.
  4. The completed structure is put into operation. An act of completion of the structure is being prepared, after which the construction will officially be completed.


  • 12 m
  • 15 m
  • 18 m
  • 21 m
  • 24 m
Project components:Length (m) with column spacing 6 m
Sandwich panel set1 950 0002 263 7002 555 0002 861 2003 152 9003 459 000
Assembling the supporting frame of the object359 000438 400529 800609 200688 600768 000
Installation of sandwich panels553 200720 000832 100932 8001 033 5001 134 300
Support frame1 733 5002 090 1002 446 8002 690 8003 033 4003 375 900
Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 120 mm1 028 5001 256 1001 465 9001 675 7001 885 5002 095 300
Installation of foundation and plinth934 0001 067 6001 201 2001 334 9001 468 5001 602 100
Bottom line6 558 2007 835 9009 030 80010 104 60011 262 40012 434 600
Project components:Length (m) with column spacing 6 m
Sandwich panel set2 220 9002 565 9002 887 8003 210 8003 549 7003 890 000
Assembling the supporting frame of the object458 300569 500668 700768 000867 200966 500
Installation of sandwich panels724 500849 300962 7001 087 6001 200 4001 325 800
Support frame2 179 3002 519 5002 947 7003 375 9003 645 6004 056 200
Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 120 mm1 298 0001 583 1001 845 2002 107 3002 369 4002 631 500
Installation of foundation and plinth1 278 0001 441 2001 604 4001 767 6001 930 8002 094 000
Bottom line8 159 0009 528 50010 916 50012 317 20013 563 10014 964 000
Project components:Length (m) with column spacing 6 m
Sandwich panel set2 737 6003 126 9003 528 5003 928 4004 327 3004 733 700
Assembling the supporting frame of the object569 500688 600807 700926 8001 057 8001 176 900
Installation of sandwich panels922 0001 070 9001 208 4001 369 3001 505 5001 654 900
Support frame2 519 5003 033 4003 547 2003 891 9004 384 7004 877 500
Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 120 mm1 567 5001 910 0002 224 4002 538 9002 853 3002 833 000
Installation of foundation and plinth1 510 6001 686 7001 862 7002 038 8002 214 9002 390 900
Bottom line9 826 70011 516 50013 178 90014 694 10016 343 50017 666 900
Project components:Length (m) with column spacing 6 m
Sandwich panel set3 016 6003 441 9003 876 7004 310 8004 752 5005 190 200
Assembling the supporting frame of the object668 700807 700946 6001 097 5001 236 5001 375 400
Installation of sandwich panels1 022 8001 184 4001 346 0001 507 5001 657 1001 818 100
Support frame2 947 7003 547 2003 974 1004 548 9005 123 8005 452 000
Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 120 mm1 809 0002 201 2002 562 9002 612 6002 935 5003 258 500
Installation of foundation and plinth1 765 7001 954 6002 143 5002 332 5002 521 4002 710 300
Bottom line11 230 50013 137 00014 849 80016 409 80018 226 80019 804 500
Project components:Length (m) with column spacing 6 m
Sandwich panel set3 297 7003 759 7004 226 5004 698 5005 170 2005 631 000
Assembling the supporting frame of the object776 000936 4001 108 8001 269 2001 429 6001 601 900
Installation of sandwich panels1 124 9001 298 5001 472 8001 647 1001 809 4001 995 100
Support frame3 410 5003 931 7004 595 3005 031 1005 666 2006 301 300
Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 120 mm2 078 5002 528 1002 630 5003 000 4003 370 3003 740 200
Installation of foundation and plinth1 940 5002 142 3002 344 0002 545 8002 747 6002 949 400
Bottom line12 628 10014 596 70016 377 90018 192 10020 193 30022 218 900

Architectural possibilities

Companies offering insulated reinforced concrete panels on the private housing construction market have a serious production base with appropriate equipment, which gives them the opportunity to work on individual projects.

A panel cottage today is not a standard box, but a modern house in which a variety of architectural and planning solutions can be implemented. Thus, the technology makes it possible to create cantilever projections, bay windows, risalits, a second light, a free layout without internal load-bearing walls, windows and openings of any size and shape in the building - arched, round, corner, with complex geometry. Of course, there are certain restrictions, but they relate mainly to the classic attic (instead, a mezzanine with a height of 1.9 m is possible) and radius structures, which are difficult to implement even when built from piece materials.

You can reduce the cost of building a house by choosing a ready-made project from the manufacturer’s catalog and simply adapting it to your needs and preferences

Types of prefabricated buildings

There are a wide range of types of buildings, the construction of which may be necessary in different situations, for example, prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels. The two basic varieties are composite, built from simple structural elements, modules, and frame, with a steel base sheathed with special panels for finishing. Periodically, the first option is used for warehouse locations and hangars. Factories, workshops and much more can be built using the frame method. The equipment of prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels after construction can be divided according to application into industrial, factory and public.

Preparing the formwork

A couple of things depend on the quality of its preparation.

  1. Stability of liquid solution retention.
  2. The evenness of the formwork determines how the concrete structure itself will look. It also helps to understand whether further revision will be required.

Many people think that the base will be damaged in any case, therefore, to prepare the formwork, you can use a slab with various parameters. But this is not so, such an approach leads to the appearance of joints between boards with low density, and this, in turn, leads to the formation of gaps. As a result, it will be necessary to level the frame material after the formwork has been knocked down.

It is best to use a laminated type of plywood with low cost, scrap lumber of the same size. Their price will be more expensive, but after that you can immediately begin construction.

When frame bases with reinforcing properties are made, a reinforcing screw rod with cold-deformed elements can be used.

Its cross-sectional diameter is about 3-12 millimeters.

Portfolio of objects

Areas of application

Once assembled, the structures can be used in a maximum range of directions. From time to time, prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels are used by organizations that produce something: manufactories, workshops, and with them delivery centers. The profile is used to make shopping centers, demonstration sites and pavilions, aviation and sports premises, barns, calf barns, stalls, parking lots, closed reservoirs, business and administrative organizations, shelters and numerous others. Firms in any line of business can find benefits from designing suitable varieties of prefabricated houses from reinforced concrete panels.

Evolution of technology

The idea of ​​reinforcing concrete with metal came to the mind of the inquisitive French gardener Joseph Monier back in the 19th century. Monier grew exotic plants for the garden of Versailles, and sold the surplus to England. Palm seedlings required durable oak barrels, which were made by hand by a cooper and were too expensive. Because the tub cost almost as much as the palm tree, the gardener earned pennies.

While experimenting, the gardener once figured out to place one barrel in another, insert a frame made of iron wire into the gap and fill it with cement mortar. In 1867, Monier patented a durable material; later patents were added for metal-reinforced pipes, facade panels, beams, pools and bridges.

Futuristic Church of the Merciful God the Father in Rome made of precast concrete Source

After 19 years, German engineer Gustav Weiss bought the patent and improved the material. Reinforced concrete spread throughout the world and became the basis of avant-garde styles of architecture - from the utilitarian functionalism and laconic constructivism of the 20s to the flashy brutalism of the 70s and modern organic architecture. Today, not only factory buildings and multi-story residential buildings are erected from reinforced concrete, but also other objects, including churches, museums and numerous country cottages.

Reasons to work with us

  • Operational preparation - verification of documents with the buyer for the construction of prefabricated houses from reinforced concrete panels no more than 15 days later.
  • We provide our partners with a guarantee, are responsible for the quality of our steel composite structures, and promptly remove any deficiencies that arise.
  • The components used are produced at our own facilities; as a result, we assemble prefabricated houses from reinforced concrete panels quickly, cheaply, and reliably.
  • We provide a diverse list of services - from planning to production and construction stages.

How to connect wall panels and ceilings

The structures are made at the factory, so all geometric proportions are maintained, the panels fit together, and at the construction site they are simply assembled in the required sequence. Of course, you will need equipment and a good construction team, and control over all stages of work - construction is construction.

BENPAN panels are assembled using bolts and anchor rods from Hilti. BENPAN+ and BENPAN Premium - by welding embedded contact pads.


It's like a construction set, just bring up the slabs.

In terms of strength and durability, both options are similar. The welded version has greater torsional rigidity, but this is only relevant for earthquake-prone areas.


These are no longer Khrushchev’s sockets, a completely different technology. The houses are warm.

Cooperation algorithm

First, we communicate with the customer to identify his goals and sort out doubts. Find out which product and which set of works will have optimal qualities for his company. Afterwards there is either communication or filling out an online application for the construction of prefabricated houses from reinforced concrete panels. The cost is calculated and a basic design document is created. Until the agreement is concluded and the sale is completed, the customer can order modifications in accordance with personal wishes. After the parts with the required characteristics (length, thickness, metal) are made, logistics are carried out to the point where the prefabricated houses made of reinforced concrete panels will be located.

Preparatory work

Before installing the foundation slabs, drain the site if there is a high level of soil water there. A drainage system can be installed at the preparatory stage or during backfilling of soil into the near-foundation sinuses.

The layout of the house is carried out taking into account the size of the rooms, the location of the openings, the height of the walls and the slope of the roof. Such information is contained in the project, which is ordered from construction designers and designers.

Before starting construction do:

  • marking the axes of the building on the site using pegs and cords;
  • excavation work in the form of digging a pit or separate trenches;
  • cleaning the bottom to the design mark;
  • installation of backfill made of sand and crushed stone of the calculated thickness.

They plan the organization of the construction site, taking into account storage locations, crane installation, and the location of access roads.

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