How to insulate concrete walls from the outside or inside with your own hands: methods and materials

Concrete is the main building material. It is found everywhere and has many positive characteristics. But its thermal conductivity coefficient is high, so the material is cold. Heat escapes through the walls, so a lot of money is spent on heating. The only option is to insulate concrete walls. There are many materials for this purpose, and the work itself can be done with your own hands.

Thermal insulation of concrete - features

The peculiarity of concrete walls is that in order to insulate them, everything needs to be calculated and planned in advance. The task is not easy when compared with walls made of brick or wood, but it is doable. Insulation of a concrete wall outside and inside has the following features:

  1. The surface must be treated with antiseptic agents.
  2. Communications and wiring are laid even before thermal insulation work.
  3. When insulating a façade, the entire area is treated; you cannot do only certain areas or a wall.
  4. Areas behind heating radiators are treated using insulation with foil. This is a thin aluminum layer on insulation. It will reflect thermal energy.

If we talk about internal insulation, there are also some nuances here. For example, condensation will accumulate inside, since the moisture has nowhere to go. Therefore, it is important to ensure good ventilation. In addition, environmentally friendly insulation is selected that will not harm health.

Rules for laying insulation

To prevent the formation of condensation, cold bridges, mold and fungi, it is worth understanding how to insulate the walls from the inside. Builders recommend:

  • use vapor barrier materials. They will eliminate dew point shifts, moisture accumulation and extend the life of the structure;
  • buy thermal insulation with an adhesive base - this way you can save space in small rooms;
  • the house is equipped from the inside with forced or natural ventilation to control humidity levels;
  • monitor the steam-heat balance, selecting the thickness of the thermal insulation inside in accordance with the average daily temperature in winter;
  • consider any situation. If you don’t know how to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside if there is mold, listen to the experts. They advise “treating” the surface with antifungal primers;
  • control the quality of thermal insulation at joints and load-bearing partitions.

Where to insulate, inside or outside

The first question that arises before starting insulation. The answer to this is ambiguous, since these options have their pros and cons. For example, insulation from the inside is often done in apartments with more than 3 floors, especially in high-rise buildings, since working outside is dangerous. In addition, the heat insulator inside will not be exposed to the negative influence of the street, and the insulation process itself can be performed in any weather and season. But there are also disadvantages: reduction in living space, condensation formation, release of harmful substances.

External insulation is a more common option, as it allows you to protect a concrete wall and cover it. It is more convenient to work outside and there is no loss of living space. There is no human contact. And the insulation inside causes the wall to freeze itself. A phenomenon occurs in which the wall, on one side, is insulated from the heat of the rooms, and on the other side is constantly exposed to sub-zero temperatures. That is why it is better to insulate concrete walls from the outside. But it is still up to the owner to choose methods for insulating concrete structures.

Why is it necessary to insulate?

According to modern requirements, single-layer insulation is practically not performed. The composition of the heat-protective cake is determined by:

  • installation location: outdoor/external;
  • characteristics of the wall;
  • the type of insulation chosen.

If you ask a professional how it is preferable to insulate the walls of a residential building, from the outside or from the inside, the answer will be unequivocal - from the outside.

Internal thermal insulation is installed only as a last resort, when there is no other possibility, for example, the building is an architectural monument or the small distance between adjacent walls does not technologically allow the installation of insulation.

The installation of internal insulation must be treated with great care, this is primarily due to the occurrence of a dew point at which condensation begins to flow along the wall, and in addition, the insulated wall is no longer protected by heat from the in-house heating system, since the heat barrier will not be able to transmit heat to it .

External insulation protects at cold temperatures, and to prevent household moisture from getting on the thermal insulation material , waterproofing is installed, in this case the dew point moves much further from the room to the street.

To prevent water from collecting between the wall and the heat insulator, a vapor barrier will need to be installed. Innovative heat-protective building materials are produced with a pre-installed vapor barrier layer.

In cases where the heat insulator is applied to the outside of wall structures, a wind barrier made of a vapor-proof membrane must be installed on top. It fences off the heat insulator from cold air masses hitting it.

Many novice craftsmen believe that there is no such thing as excess thermal insulation; this is not entirely correct. In thermal protection of buildings, the term used is excessive or excessive insulation.

A thick layer of insulation can disrupt the ventilation system of building structures . In connection with this, condensation will begin to accumulate, increasing the humidity in the room, which contributes to the occurrence of rotting processes and the formation of mold.

Insulation methods

A variety of insulation methods allows you to choose the best option for yourself, in accordance with your financial capabilities and preferences.

The first option is to use polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is a cheap and practical material. Suitable for those who have a limited budget, at the same time, it has excellent characteristics. You can buy EPS (extruded polystyrene foam). It has better characteristics, but the price is not very high. But it is not recommended to insulate concrete walls from the inside.

Algorithm for performing the work:

  1. Along the perimeter at the bottom there is a plinth that will serve as a stand for sheets.
  2. Fixation is done with glue. Can be applied in a continuous layer with a notched trowel or in spots, around the perimeter and in the center.
  3. The first mat is fixed from the corner, and so on for the entire row. The rest are close to them. The next row is laid offset so that the seams of adjacent rows do not intersect.
  4. Additionally, the mats are fixed using dowels with an umbrella. Holes are drilled using a hammer drill and dowels are driven in. For 1 sheet you need 5 dowels.
  5. When the glue dries (from 1 to 2 days), the reinforcing mesh is glued. To do this, glue is applied to the foam, and the mesh is embedded in it. An overlap of 5-10 cm is made at the joints.
  6. After drying, the walls are plastered.

At the end, all that remains is to prime the wall and do the finishing touches. This method is called a wet facade.

The second option is to use PPU

Polyurethane foam is a heat insulator applied by spraying. It is somewhat reminiscent of polyurethane foam. When the components are mixed and react with air, the material begins to increase in size, filling the entire space. The option is modern and effective. The material is not afraid of moisture. Internal and external insulation is possible. However, the process of insulating concrete walls with polyurethane foam requires special, expensive equipment.

The work is done quickly, the layer turns out monolithic, without cold bridges. However, it is vulnerable to UV rays. In addition, the layer does not allow steam to pass through; a ventilation system is needed. The essence of the work is to apply material from the compressor to the surface.

The third option is thermal insulation plaster

If you need a cheap, quick way to insulate concrete walls, then you can use heat-insulating plaster. However, it is not a full-fledged heat insulator; for cold regions this is not an option, only combination with other materials.

Consequences of the lack of protective layers

Thin insulation that does not have important protective layers or excessively thick insulation cause equal damage to a home. In this case, a distinction is made between mechanical and chemical destruction of concrete structures.

The absence of a heat insulator leads to the following mechanical damage:

  • temperature changes, freezing/thawing cycles of building structures;
  • frequent cycles of drying/wetting walls;
  • destruction of concrete under the influence of wind and water.

Chemical damage includes bimetallic corrosion, the action of acid and alkaline vapors in the air, as well as corrosion from stray currents, as a result of which the carbonization process occurs on concrete, when alkalinity around steel embedded parts and reinforcement units is lost.

Thus, the reasons for the destruction of concrete partitions are complex with a number of factors, but most of all they are associated with the appearance of humidity, which contributes to the appearance of dampness in the room and black mold, which is extremely harmful to people, which is one of the strongest allergens.

Insulation instructions

If you do not take into account the option of using polyurethane foam, then all the work is done with your own hands. It is important to familiarize yourself with some nuances and begin the task:

  1. Insulation of concrete walls is carried out in dry weather, at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees.
  2. The wall is well dried, not damp.
  3. It is important to clean the surface, remove all excess, seal cracks and level it. Mold, mildew, and greasy stains are removed.

At the end, all that remains is to treat the concrete with an antiseptic and get to work.

Using polystyrene foam

The advantages of polystyrene foam are considered, as is the technology for creating a wet facade. But, there is a second option - frame. Sequence of work:

  1. The sheathing is placed on the surface.
  2. The distance between the slats is identical to the width of the foam sheet.
  3. Insulation is installed in the created cells.
  4. Everything is covered with lathing and the structure is finished with finishing panels: block house, lining, siding.

For insulation in cold regions, the layer thickness is from 10 to 20 cm.

Using mineral wool

Mineral wool is an excellent material with excellent characteristics. However, she is afraid of moisture. Therefore, when thermally insulating concrete, it is necessary to create a ventilation gap so that the wool dries. Here we need the frame technology described above.

Features of the work: after creating the sheathing, mats or rolls of mineral wool are installed. It is important to lay them tightly, without forming joints. To do this, the distance between the slats is made 5–10 mm less than the width of the wool. All that remains is to fix the vapor barrier, glue the joints and sheathe the frame with the selected material. An apartment can be insulated with mineral wool both from the outside and from the inside.

Using thermal panels

Thermal panels are a multilayer material. It is made of insulation and decorative material. The manufacturer has simplified the task; a concrete house can be insulated with such panels, and not have to think about additional finishing. Typically used for exterior decoration. Installation is simple - just apply glue to the surface and fix it on the wall.

Using foam glass and fiberglass

Foam glass is an insulating material in the form of slabs, the density of which is from 100 to 150 kk/m3. Such insulation is fixed to the wall using glue. The structure can be strengthened with dowels, as is the case with polystyrene foam. The finishing layer is different, ordinary plaster, drywall or decorative panels.

The peculiarity of the material is that it is not afraid of moisture, is environmentally friendly, and is not damaged by rodents. Cutting mats is quite simple. The surface can be strengthened and secured with reinforcing mesh and corners. The disadvantage of such insulation for concrete is that it has a high cost.

Using penofol

This is foil insulation. It is environmentally friendly, efficient and practical. The thickness is small, which allows you to quickly fix it on the wall. The layer is vapor-proof. However, penofol is not suitable as the only insulation material. It is better to combine it with other heat insulators or use it as a heat-reflecting layer and vapor barrier material. Installation is carried out on the wall or on the lathing.

Before insulating concrete walls, it is important to think through the sequence of work in advance, choose what to insulate the structure with, comparing all the pros and cons, and then get to work. But, if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to overpay, but entrust the work to specialists who will do it efficiently and without errors.

Cost of work

Table with approximate prices:

Thermal insulation gradeSizeMaterial price,
Cost of work, rub. Moscow Cost of work, rub. Yaroslavl Cost of work, rub. Voronezh
Akterm Concrete20 l7000350 m2200 m2230 m2
Polyurethane foam spraying methodPackaging, 4 m35300900 m3790 m3800 m3
Basalt mineral wool GREENGUARG0.288 m3510300 m2250 m2270 m2
Insulation: Expanded polystyrene boards. extrusion TECHNONICOL 0.273 m31356500 m2350 m2300 m2
Penoplex Facade, glue, doweling1185 mm x 585 mm x 50 mm, pack of 4 pieces1370600 m2450 m2430 m2

Common mistakes when insulating concrete walls

Most mistakes come down to the wrong method of insulation. Namely, insulation from the inside. This is fraught with many negative consequences. In addition, it is better to choose moisture-proof materials as insulation.

Sometimes insufficient attention is paid to the preparation of a concrete wall: cracks are not repaired, mold, stains or mildew are not eliminated. This can lead to the insulation cake peeling off and all the work will be in vain.

When creating a reinforced layer on a wet facade, it is important to place the mesh correctly. It will strengthen the structure and protect the surface from cracks. However, it cannot be glued to foam plastic and glue should be applied on top. In order for the mesh to perform its functions, it is embedded in a layer of glue. Then the mesh will be inside the adhesive mass.

Another mistake is failure to maintain temperature conditions when working outside. The insulation process is carried out in dry weather, at the specified temperatures. If it is below +5 degrees outside, it is better to wait for comfortable conditions.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can avoid mistakes and the work done will not be in vain.

Thermal insulation plaster

The secret of heat-insulating plaster lies in polystyrene foam bubbles with air, they create thermal insulation. Plaster must be applied to a prepared base; this is the simplest and most common method of fastening. The product is expensive and in demand; it is best to purchase plaster in specialized stores; purchasing it on the market risks purchasing a fake. You should check the documentation and certificate of conformity to be sure of the effectiveness of the composition when used.

Technologies for carrying out insulation work come in two options: external and internal methods. The main technological procedures are:

  • Wet method - gluing sheets to a pre-prepared base with special glue, followed by plastering. Plus - the simplicity of the installation process itself.
  • The dry method (frame) is more complex; hiring professionals is the most advisable solution.

External treatment of the facade is much more effective, but for a number of reasons, internal thermal insulation is often carried out. In any case, comfort and coziness in the living space is ensured.

How and with what to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside Nina Anisimova

I inherited from my grandmother an apartment on the fifth floor of a brick building. The corner room was cold and felt somewhat damp, although there was no fungus. There was no way to insulate the wall from the outside, so we decided to do it from the inside. They covered it with plasterboard, and mineral wool between the wall and the building block. It became warm and cozy. Tatyana Vyalaya

We also suffer from this problem and want to insulate a corner in the bedroom. We don't have any problems with freezing, but the walls are very bloomy. The wallpaper is always moldy no matter how much you re-paste it. I didn’t want to insulate myself with polystyrene foam, I thought it was harmful, but it turns out mineral wool is toxic. My husband wants to run more batteries along the wall, like a snake, so that they warm up better. In general, let's think about it now.

I think the approach of insulating the wall from the inside is fundamentally wrong. Let's figure out what happened. Your wall is frozen or frozen. Clearly the design does not meet the requirements. The consequences are obvious. Microbes or microcracks will soon simply destroy the wall. You are protecting yourself, but you need to eliminate the cause. After all, no matter how much you insulate from the inside, you will not change the dew point, even if you lose half the room for insulation. Sooner or later, the destroyed wall as the main barrier to the external environment will remind itself. The fungus will come out next to your insulation and the destroyed wall will crack away from your insulation. And then major repairs cannot be avoided. What am I talking about? If you seriously decide to overcome the problem, insulation should be carried out only from the outside. I'm not even talking about the lost space and the harm of any insulation. Don’t be fooled by advertising; there are no safe materials.

There was such a problem in a large room, five corners. Three of them were near the windows and the corners there were constantly freezing. So they solved the problem easily - they insulated it with polystyrene foam, it is very easy to install and disguise with wallpaper.

Mineral wool

The insulation is available in the form of rolls or in a modern version in the form of slabs

The benefits consist of many factors that deserve consumer attention


  • thermal conductivity is low;
  • the product is environmentally friendly;
  • Rodents do not like mineral wool;
  • fire-fighting properties - not susceptible to persecution;
  • long service life.


  • moisture resistance at a low level;
  • installation requires preparation in choosing a waterproofing coating;
  • When compressed, it loses its thermal insulation properties.

Due to the price/quality ratio, mineral wool is in consumer demand.

Special requirements

Thermal insulation of a concrete wall requires compliance with all technological conditions, the violation of which can affect the efficiency of the work performed, as well as the service life of the structure and the entire house. Before you begin installing thermal insulation on the facade of a building, you need to consider the following factors:

  • The surface of the walls must be treated with an antiseptic solution. This will prevent the formation of mold and the appearance of insects that can disrupt the integrity of the structure;
  • It is necessary to insulate the entire surface of the external walls of the house, and not just individual elements. This will serve as an additional guarantee that there will be no “cold bridges” in the facade;

The term “cold bridge” refers to a section of the wall that is colder in winter compared to the rest of the façade surface. These mainly include cement seams, through metal elements (gas pipeline pipes), metal ceilings in window or door openings.

Application of ceramic-isol

In the modern market, new promising technologies are replacing traditional building materials; production produces universal products that have increased efficiency when used. Keramo-izol is an environmentally friendly composition and does not pose any danger to human health, which is an important aspect in its application. Installation does not require complex preparatory processes, application is simple with a long service life. Liquid thermal insulation suspension successfully protects against cold, creating coziness and comfort in the rooms.

Keramo-izol is used for everything that can be painted. Application is carried out with a brush, spray gun, or foam roller. The suspension has good adhesion and is easily applied to the surfaces of monolithic structures. The environmentally friendly product has advantages that are appreciated in the construction industry.


• good thermal insulation properties - reduction of heat loss by 1/3;

• easy to use, application can be done independently;

• can be applied to structures of different shapes;

• the range of shades for painting is varied;

• resistance to ultraviolet radiation;

• has anti-corrosion properties.

Keramo-izol is a universal means for creating an atmosphere of warmth in your home.

Causes of moisture

The first thing you need to figure out is why moisture began to appear on the walls of your home. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon and each of them requires its own solution. Most often, the walls begin to sweat in the following cases:

  • There is poor or no ventilation in the room.
  • The structures are freezing.
  • The waterproofing is broken.
  • The room was recently renovated.

The only scenario in which you should not worry and take radical measures would be the case of repairs. When performing various finishing works, mixtures are used that contain water and it actively evaporates. After a certain time this passes and everything becomes normal. If the water appeared for another reason, you will need to urgently take some action.

Even if the reason for the appearance of water is a recent renovation, it is better not to aggravate the situation and ventilate more often. Of course, you should take into account the recommendations of manufacturers of finishing materials and in some cases it is better to avoid ventilation. Then you should ensure the best possible air distribution throughout the entire area of ​​​​the house - open all doors wide.

What materials can be used?

Despite the wide selection of thermal insulators (foam plastic, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.), not all raw materials offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers are suitable for foundations.

the following characteristics must be taken into account:

  1. Low degree of thermal conductivity.
  2. Good moisture resistance.
  3. High compressive strength.
  4. Preservation of properties under conditions of sudden temperature changes.
  5. Resistance to aggressive environments.

The selected material must satisfy all of the listed requirements, since the heat insulator during operation is subject to vertical pressure from the structure, as well as loads from the external environment.

Which is better to choose and why?

Among the existing offers on the market, practicing builders choose in most cases extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex) or polyurethane foam for thermal insulation of the foundation.

Advantages of extruded polystyrene foam:

  • frost resistance;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • safety for human health and the environment;
  • resistance to biological influences.

Another effective material, polyurethane foam, not only has thermal insulation qualities and does not allow moisture to pass through, but also suppresses noise, which is especially important when building near highways, railways and industrial facilities. Polyurethane foam is sold in aerosol cans, which makes it possible to use it for external insulation of vertical parts of reinforced concrete slabs

Polyurethane foam is sold in aerosol cans, which makes it possible to use it for external insulation of the vertical parts of a reinforced concrete slab.

What foundation

Strip foundation

For a house made of expanded clay concrete, it is desirable to have a strip foundation at the base. It can be shallow or standard. The first option is suitable if it is known that in your area the soil has a rocky base and is motionless. In all other situations it is better to make it below the freezing level. The components for filling it will be river or washed sand, cement and crushed stone.

Construction of a classic strip foundation

Construction of a shallow foundation

The area is estimated. You need to look carefully at where the slope goes. This will allow you to deepen it to the required level and ensure that the foundation subsequently turns out smooth and not with sagging. A string is stretched around the perimeter. It should be located along the outer edge of the planned structure. The width of the foundation must be greater than the width of the walls. The minimum value for this is 10-15 cm. For greater convenience, another thread is pulled along the inner edge, which will also serve as a limiter. A trench is dug. Its depth should be lower than the layer to which freezing occurs in winter. Coarse-grained sifted sand is placed on the bottom. Its layer should be 15–20 cm

It is important to compact it well; for additional shrinkage, water it with water. The same layer is filled with crushed stone. It is also important to compact it well. The next step is to install the formwork

It can be made from available materials. For this, a durable board is used, which is knocked together into panels, a polystyrene foam base or plywood, which is covered with plastic film, which prevents it from getting wet. A metal sheathing is laid inside. It can be made from fiberglass reinforcement. It should be ribbed and its diameter should be 12 mm. It is important to remember that the height above the surface must be at least 70 cm. This will prevent getting wet due to incoming moisture. If pouring to such a level requires a large amount of money, then you can lay out the remainder as a base made of blocks. The sheathing is laid inside the prepared trench. It is important to remember that its dimensions must be 10 cm smaller to ensure that it is immersed in the solution by at least 5 cm; only in this case will a monolithic structure be obtained, and the metal rods will be protected from corrosion. At this stage, sleeves are laid for water supply, sewerage and other communications. All voids must be eliminated with a vibrator during pouring. Maximum strength will depend on this. To make further work easier for yourself, you need to try to bring the top edge level. It will be much easier to carry out the laying. If you are in a big hurry, after two weeks you can move on to the next stage, but it is advisable to give a month for the concrete to gain full strength. At the same time as the foundation, you can also make a blind area. It should be sloping away from the house. Its purpose is to ensure rapid drainage of rainwater from the basement floor, as well as giving additional strength to the base.

Blind area diagram


Each building material differs in its reaction to environmental influences. Concrete is no exception. In terms of performance, it is superior to brickwork and wood, but requires good thermal insulation. Before you start insulating concrete walls from the inside with your own hands, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. At high density, the monolith remains a water-permeable material, which negatively affects both the condition of the insulation (if they are not able to withstand moisture) and the walls - in cold seasons, condensation will begin to freeze, triggering deformation processes.
  2. Before carrying out work, concrete is treated with an antiseptic agent, which will prevent the formation of fungi and mold.
  3. Thermal insulation should cover the entire facade, and not individual parts of the building.
  4. The amount of insulation is selected taking into account the thickness of the walls.

From inside or outside?

Having decided on the material for insulating a concrete wall from the outside or arranging thermal insulation in an apartment from the inside, you need to consider the features of each method. Experienced experts recommend putting the main priority on external insulation, since without it, internal insulation will be ineffective and will only aggravate the problem.

Work can begin in warm periods and dry weather. To increase protection against heat loss, the home is covered with insulation on both sides.

Material counting

The consumption of insulating materials depends on a lot of factors. First of all, the evenness of the surface of the wall that will be insulated is taken into account - this indicates the amount of glue for fixing the foam.

Calculations are carried out for smooth walls according to the following principles:

  1. To glue foam boards onto the “pads” (without an adhesive layer around the edges), you will need to use 5 kg of polystyrene foam glue.
  2. The dimensions of the slabs must correspond to the parameters of the walls without taking into account openings (windows and doors). The thickness of the material is determined by the region of residence.
  3. To strengthen the plaster, reinforcement with facade fiberglass mesh is used. The number of reinforced concrete structures is selected taking into account the parameters of the wall.
  4. If the facade will be covered with decorative plaster, then to level the surfaces you will need to purchase a primer with quartz sand. The consumption of this composition is 300 g/m².
  5. Before painting structures, they must be treated with a deep penetration primer - 200 g/m².
  6. The consumption of plaster is determined by the size of its grains.
  7. The consumption of the coloring composition depends on the application method (spray gun, roller and brush).

Surface preparation

After purchasing materials for wall insulation, you can proceed to surface preparation. To do this, you need to clean them of old paint, mold and dirt, and then cover them with an antiseptic.

This will ensure a dry and smooth surface. If there are cracks or chips, they need to be covered with plaster. The composition must also be used to level surfaces.

In the upper part, the wall is coated with a primer, which will increase the adhesion of the material to the adhesive base.

Advantages and disadvantages

High speed of building constructionLabor intensity of the process
Structural strengthLow energy efficiency of the building
High number of storeys (does not apply to permanent formwork technology)The need for finishing
Low cost

Principles of construction of monolithic walls, partitions and fences

  • installation of panel formwork;
  • assembly and installation of reinforcement cage;
  • pouring concrete mixture with vibration compaction;
  • removal of formwork from the finished structure.

If there is a supporting frame with vertical columns, concrete grades M300 and M400 are used for the manufacture of its elements. In this case, the outer walls do not bear weight loads and are filled with cheaper material of the M200 and M250 brands, with the possible addition of lightweight fillers to improve the thermal insulation properties. If a concrete wall is used in the structure of a building as a load-bearing element, then the grade of the concrete mixture must be at least M350.

Determination of wall thickness

The cross-sectional size of a concrete monolithic wall depends on its structural purpose, the design temperature of the outside air, and the presence of the type of insulation. The construction of monolithic walls for internal partitions is determined by the presence of a flat reinforcing mesh and a mandatory concrete coating of 50 mm on each side. Accordingly, the minimum thickness of such elements is 100 mm.

External enclosing walls, depending on the design temperature of the outside air, have a minimum thickness:

  • at -20°C – 250 mm;
  • -30°C – 350 mm;
  • -40°C – 450 mm.

This will ensure the standard thermal conductivity coefficient of the material and heat retention in the house, which is an important aspect in its energy efficiency.

Comparison of thermal conductivity of concrete and other materials.

The thickness of concrete walls acting as a load-bearing structure should not be less than 450 mm for one-story houses with an addition of 100 mm during the construction of each upper floor. For example, for a 3-storey house, the minimum thickness of the walls of the first floor will be 650 mm, for the second - 550 mm, and for the third - 450 mm.

Use of polystyrene foam

Insulating a concrete wall from the outside with polystyrene foam is economical and practical; reducing heat loss will reduce financial costs, regardless of the type of heating. The use of the material has a beneficial effect on optimizing the microclimate in the house. It feels warm in winter, pleasantly cool in summer. How to insulate a cold loggia wall, the answer is obvious - this material is perfect for arranging thermal insulation for a small space. The advantages of slabs are multifaceted:

  • the functional area remains dry, without the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • the product has soundproofing properties;
  • the material is moisture-resistant and does not lose its characteristics when wet;
  • due to its minimal weight, massive metal fastenings are not needed;
  • minimal load on the foundation;
  • external installation of thermal insulation does not reduce space;
  • After installation, the sheets can be painted in the desired color, transforming the facade.

The fastening technology is suitable for cottages and apartments in high-rise buildings. To install sheets at height, it is better to involve industrial climbers, this will help avoid investing in special equipment or installing façade formwork.

Selection and installation of formwork


The best version of the kit for formwork of monolithic walls consists of standard factory-made panels and a set of elements of fixing equipment. Such formwork is very expensive, but construction companies very often offer their equipment for rental. Using such a service will be completely justified and cheaper than buying boards or plywood, which will be completely unusable by the end of the work.

Installation of standard formwork is quite simple and can be carried out by a working team of 3-4 people. The panels are connected into a single surface using clamp or wedge locks, ensuring a tight connection of the joints and the tightness of the structure. Stable fixation of the formwork is ensured by installing inclined slopes and racks. Accuracy of geometric dimensions and strength during installation are achieved using tightening screws.

Basic methods

Modern manufacturers delight customers with a wide range of various thermal insulation materials that meet the basic quality parameters of these products.

However, experts with sufficient experience in the construction industry give advice on how to insulate a concrete wall in an apartment using only three main methods, which are considered the best:

  1. Insulation using foam plastic,
  2. Insulation with mineral wool,
  3. Insulation using a warm plaster solution.

Application of foam plastic

Today, foam plastic is considered a popular insulation material (for example, Penoflex insulation). It is lightweight, easy to use and low price make it the most common insulation material.

Insulation of premises from the inside with polystyrene foam

This method of thermal insulation is both the simplest and cheapest:

  1. Carefully plaster the concrete wall.
  2. Let the solution dry completely.
  3. We begin to level the surface by applying one layer of putty.
  4. Upon completion of puttying, we lay waterproofing material around the entire perimeter.
  1. Next we move on to installing the insulating layer:
  • we treat the walls with special glue,
  • We lay the sheets of foam plastic end-to-end, one to the other, avoiding the formation of cavities between them.

Method of internal insulation with foam plastic

  1. We complete this stage of work by installing the vapor barrier material on the foam layer.

Application of mineral wool

The second method of insulating concrete walls and increasing their thermal insulation capabilities is more difficult to implement. In addition, insulation with mineral wool can only be done if there are wooden slats. Lath lathing “steals” some space in the room due to its thickness, so it is difficult to use if you want to insulate a loggia. Therefore, thermal insulation experts advise against plastering walls if this technique is used. However, no consensus has been found on this issue.

Related article: How to hang a bike on the wall

Photo of insulation with mineral wool

The following are instructions for insulating walls with mineral wool:

  • we install wooden slats vertically on the walls, using a level for accuracy,
  • we fill the distance between them with waterproofing material, fixing it directly to these slats.
  • We proceed to laying the insulating material on top of the waterproofing material. Monitor the density of the insulation in the space between the slats. There should be no gaps between the slabs of material and the wooden slats. To do this, the distance between the slats is made less than the width of the insulation material.

Laying without gaps between slabs and slats

Application of plaster solution

The use of a plaster layer as a thermal insulation material is not a new technology. However, even today it remains quite popular. However, one should not think that this method of thermal insulation is too simple. It also has its own characteristics, including a three-layer plaster layer.

So, how does insulation work using plaster:

  • Applying the initial layer with your own hands is carried out by uniformly spraying the surface with a liquid plaster solution. This is done so that the solution penetrates as deeply as possible into the walls having microscopic cracks.
  • The second layer, 50-60 mm thick, is soil. Moreover, it is applied not in one, but in 2-3 layers. This takes time and patience.

How to apply plaster

Characteristics of expanded polystyrene

The average service life of expanded polystyrene is 30 years. If maintained, the house will last forever. The following factors negatively affect the period:

  • the front surface on which the material will be glued is not leveled, there are air gaps and plugs;
  • PPS boards are not manufactured using technology and do not have adequate protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Before installation, the material lay in an open space and was exposed to weather conditions.

Insulation materials, regardless of name and marking, have an increased level of ignition. Belong to third and fourth grade. Currently, most manufacturers add a chemical reagent such as antipyrine to the composition. The main feature is attenuation upon ignition. The “C” mark is added to the standard marking.

  • Excessive release of smoke during combustion, during which cyanide and hydrogen bromide are released into the atmosphere;
  • minimum water absorption rate;
  • increased bending strength;
  • insulation function - minimum heat transfer rate;
  • interaction with petroleum products.

Neutral interaction with bitumen, cement, gypsum, lime, asphalt.

Insulating the foundation is a simple project. It is enough to have a construction site with access for equipment. Otherwise, you need to prepare the concrete mixture yourself, taking into account proportions and ratios. The initial stage may seem costly, but these costs will pay for themselves in full within the first year. Is it worth insulating the foundation slab with polystyrene foam sheets, definitely yes.

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