What paint to paint a concrete floor and how to make the coating as durable as possible - let’s figure it out together

Painted floor: not only practical, but also beautiful

Concrete floors are found in almost every home. To increase their strength and extend their service life, products should be properly processed.

In our article we will tell you what paint to paint a concrete floor. When properly installed, the screed is a very strong foundation and will last long enough to recoup all the costs of its construction.

It is important not only to fill the solution correctly, but also to properly protect it. For this purpose, primers and paints are most often used. So, what and how to paint such a floor, what measures need to be taken before painting, and what to use as a primer?

Properties of concrete pavement

A concrete floor without an additional decorative layer is usually installed in utility or industrial premises. In the private sector, these are usually floors in garages, sheds or workshops. Primer and paint will help make such a surface more durable.

Why should you paint concrete?

Floors made from the specified material require additional treatment in areas of high load. The screed is initially a very wear-resistant and durable coating. But if the upper layers of concrete are not treated, then over time it will begin to lose strength, become dusty and delaminate.

This is due to the fact that the frozen material has:

  • High porosity of the structure. The screed easily absorbs moisture from the air, which, when the temperature drops, changes its volume and destroys the material from the inside, creating cracks and delaminations.

Porous structure of concrete

  • Low resistance to physical activity. Under increased pressure, for example from tires in a garage, concrete wears out and becomes dusty, forming a very fine suspension in the air, harmful to the human body.

The treatment of the top layer of the screed becomes especially important when low-grade material is used.

Correct floor coloring:

  • will provide the surface with protection from abrasion and aggressive chemicals,
  • will reduce the risk of delamination, cracks and chips,
  • will increase the antistatic properties of the surface,
  • will significantly increase strength and, as a result, service life.

The main purpose of paint is to make the coating more durable.

How to prepare the surface

Whenever working on a concrete surface, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface. When preparing a surface for painting, it is necessary to increase the degree of adhesion of the coating and reduce the level of paint “retraction”.

To achieve this, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Remove the old paint layer using a sander or spatula. Sanding will also remove surface delamination. The machine should be used carefully so as not to add unevenness to the floor. Waves or scratches will be clearly visible on the painted floor.
  2. If there are chemical stains on the surface from machine oils, various lubricants and fuel, they should be cleaned using solvents.
  3. The surface must be examined for cracks, chips, depressions and pits. If the damage is minor, they are repaired point by point. If the damage covers more than 40% of the surface, you should consider pouring a thin leveling layer.
  4. The floor is cleaned of dirt and dust. No special devices are required for this. It is enough to walk over the surface with a vacuum cleaner and wash the floor with soapy water. In addition, the detergent will remove grease stains from the surface, if any.

Before priming, the screed must be cleaned and repaired.

After completing the preparatory procedures, the floor should be dry and clean, without any stains.

Further work can be carried out in 2 ways:

  1. primer and painting,
  2. painting.

On a note! The need for priming is determined by the type of paint chosen for the coating.

The need for dust removal, and what to cover with

Additional protection of the concrete floor allows you to increase the strength of the material and significantly reduce the amount of dust generated. To do this, at the stage of garage construction, dry cement or a layer with polymer toppings is laid on top of the fresh mortar. If this procedure was neglected at the initial stage of pouring the floor, the floor is covered with:

You can also polish the concrete or make a self-leveling floor. Each of the proposed options requires relatively high costs. The best way to remove dust from a garage is to apply paint to the floor.

Advantages of painting concrete floors

Work on concrete is carried out with special compounds. The variety of choices in the modern construction market is quite large. Any paint on a concrete base will increase strength, reduce wear and protect the coating.

In addition to the basic properties, paints can add very specific qualities to the floor:

  • make the surface rough, which will significantly reduce the risk of injury from slipping;
  • will enhance the chemical inertness of the coating, this property is especially important in workshops and car boxes;
  • will increase the antistatic characteristics of the floor.

A painted floor is easier to clean regularly. And in addition to all of the above, modern paints have a rich palette of colors, which will make the interior of the room more interesting.

Important! Please read the manufacturer's recommendations carefully. The instructions on the label clearly state the conditions that must be observed when painting the floor.


For a closed balcony, the floor design will be slightly different. If you want to turn it into an additional room where you are supposed to walk barefoot, keep in mind that then the floor must be insulated to ensure comfort.

Most likely, in this case, it will be better for you to seek help from qualified builders. Work on flooring and insulation of the floor is carried out thoroughly, in several stages, the first of which is the creation of a high-quality concrete screed. Sheets of plywood or fiberboard are laid on top of the screed.

Option 1: Linoleum

The simplest and most affordable coating is linoleum. The variety of patterns depicted on linoleum allows you to expand design possibilities when decorating a balcony room.

Option 2: Laminate

As an option, you can consider laminated or wooden parquet or sanded wooden boards as flooring on the balcony. Wooden floors are usually varnished or painted. It has a huge advantage over other materials - walking on a wooden surface is warm and comfortable, and it does not harm your health. But there is also a significant drawback: the boards dry out over time from cold and dampness.

Option 3: Tile

If you decide to make an electrically heated floor, then pay special attention to waterproofing the balcony. In this case, moisture ingress is unacceptable. Using sealants, carefully seal the windows and insulate the walls and floor. Any modern foam material is suitable as insulation.

As you can see, having even the slightest experience in carrying out repairs will help you cope with installation work on laying the floor yourself without the involvement of professionals. Nobody says renovation is easy. But, as they say, if only you had the desire and the necessary tools at hand, you will succeed.


To avoid unnecessary expenses on painting the floor, the concrete surface should be treated with a primer before painting. This is done in order to improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface and reduce material consumption.

On a note! If you decide to save on primer, you will increase your costs, because in this situation the first layer of paint will act as a primer, being strongly absorbed into the concrete.

Surface treatment with primer

Method of applying the solution

It should be noted that some types of soil may well serve as a finishing coating. If there is no need for an aesthetic component, then you can finish treating the floor at the priming stage. Treating the coating with a special solution yourself is not at all difficult.

All work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Prepare the solution. Some formulations should be diluted with a recommended solvent. The proportions of the solution should not exceed 3% of the initial mass of the substance.
  2. Sand is added. By pouring quartz sand into the solution (sold in all hardware stores), you can significantly enhance the anti-slip effect. The permissible amount of sand in the composition is no more than 1/10 of the weight of the soil solution.

Anti-slip concrete coating created by adding quartz sand

  1. Applying the composition to the surface. Priming is carried out in several layers (at least two) using a roller or spray; if necessary, the surface along the perimeter along the walls is treated with a brush.

Work is carried out at a temperature of at least 50C and a relative humidity of no more than 85%.

Causes of dust and defects

Concrete floors are characterized by active dusting. This is explained by the fact that due to the porous structure of the floor, under the influence of loads, it gradually wears out. Small particles form a layer of dust on the bottom of the garage that cannot be completely removed with a brush or other means.

For a similar reason, defects appear on the floor covering. In addition, cracking of the concrete screed is caused by:

To avoid such problems, it is recommended to remove dust from the concrete screed at the stage of arranging the interior space by applying the appropriate material.

Options for priming solutions

Not every composition is suitable for concrete work. First of all, the primer is applied to prevent strong moisture absorption.

To do this, the composition must perform several basic functions:

  • fill pores;
  • create a water barrier;
  • strengthen the internal structure;
  • prevent the formation of fungus or mold.

Based on the given parameters, we select the required solution and immediately limit the choice to deep penetration compounds.

Important! The primer must match the composition of the paint planned for application. First, determine what to paint the floor with, and then select the appropriate primer.

Polyurethane composition

Used as a coating and before applying polyurethane paint. The main advantage of this solution is its ease of application; the composition does not require special preparation before use.

In addition, polyurethane-based primer has the following qualities:

  • densely fills voids, strengthening the concrete base;
  • improves paint adhesion to the surface;
  • dries quickly;
  • inert to chemically active substances.

The use of such a composition will significantly reduce paint consumption. The soil does not react with any types of fuel and engine oil. The only drawback of the composition is the time limitation before subsequent work: painting after such a primer can only be done after 12 hours.

Polyurethane one-component primer

Epoxy primer

This composition is used both before applying paint based on epoxy resins, and as an independent surface finishing treatment.

Unlike polyurethane composition, epoxy not only penetrates into the pores of concrete, but also forms a thin, durable film on the surface, thanks to which the concrete surface becomes:

  • absolutely waterproof;
  • resistant to any chemicals;
  • not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation;
  • very durable and easily abraded.

The disadvantage of the composition is the fast setting time. There is some inconvenience in preparing two-component priming compositions.

Odorless epoxy impregnation for concrete

Latex primer

This composition is not used as an independent coating. Latex should be used in cases where it is necessary to strengthen the old concrete surface to reduce delamination. The solution is absolutely harmless and non-toxic.

When applied to concrete, it creates a durable elastic film. The surface becomes resistant to high humidity, durable and not suitable for the proliferation of microorganisms. An additional advantage of working with such a soil is the fast drying time.

Latex primer with antibacterial additives

Master Samodelkin

If financial possibilities are limited, and it is necessary to carry out concrete work, use available means, namely ordinary PVA construction adhesive. A glue-based primer is very easy to prepare at home. The glue is diluted with water in a ratio of 2/1. To improve viscosity, gypsum or construction chalk is added to the composition.

This primer is very easy to apply, but in order to avoid peeling of the top layer of the concrete coating, the solution should be applied in small quantities. And one more thing: exposure to sunlight will cause PVA to turn yellow. This fact must be taken into account when choosing a paint color for further work.

A homemade primer made from PVA glue should be applied to the concrete in a thin layer


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In order to decide which paint is best for a concrete floor, we will consider the possible options. Note that depending on the type of paint and varnish material, it is worth selecting the tools for applying them.

Also, the method of painting depends on the size of the area being treated. Paints can be applied by roller, brush or spray.

On a note! In order to paint concrete there is no need to wait for complete setting. You can work with the surface from the moment it hardens, on average after about a week.

Painting the floor with a roller

Polyurethane enamels

This type of paint creates a finishing layer that protects the concrete surface from chemical and physical influences. Coating with polyurethane paint makes it possible to eliminate minor surface defects. Upon completion of the work, a glossy surface with excellent decorative properties is formed.

This paint is prepared before use from 2 components. By changing the proportions of the composition, you can adjust the level of required coating qualities. Polyurethane two-component floor paint is also suitable for outdoor use.

Necessary conditions for applying enamel:

  • air temperature above 50C;
  • indoor humidity less than 75%;
  • The second layer should be applied no later than 24 hours after the first painting.

A rather significant drawback is the long drying time. Depending on the density of the applied layer, polyurethane paint can dry up to 2 weeks. At the same time, it will be possible to walk on the paint after a couple of days, but the layer will gain maximum physical strength only after 7 days, and chemical resistance after 14.

Polyurethane paint

Epoxy paints

This floor paint for concrete creates a strong and durable coating on the surface. A floor treated with this composition takes on a very presentable appearance. Epoxy paint is absolutely inert to chemicals with increased activity, including: motor oils, fuel, various lubricants and solvents.

Excellent adhesion to concrete ensures a high level of wear resistance of the coating. Epoxy easily withstands high physical loads; it is successfully used in warehouses, industrial laboratories and car washes. The painted floor does not fade, does not turn yellow and does not lose its visual appeal. The photo below shows a finished concrete floor painted with epoxy paint.

Due to its two-component nature, epoxy must be mixed. And due to the fast setting time, only a small amount of paint should be mixed. In this case, it is necessary to carefully observe the proportions.

Problems with epoxy coating can arise when you decide to refinish it: the cost of the repainting process is quite high. But this is more than compensated for by the very long service life of epoxy paint.

Epoxy paint of various brands


This composition has a significant advantage over others; this paint is odorless. Acrylic compositions are water-dispersible. They are created on the basis of acrylic mixtures with the addition of polymers. Painting the floor with acrylic allows you to create a polymer film on its surface that prevents the concrete from being exposed to active chemicals.

The paint dries quickly even with a significant thickness of the applied layer. An added bonus is that one application is all it takes to get full color.

The paint is resistant to mechanical stress and does not fade in the sun, it is very convenient to apply: the surface can be painted in any way. Complete drying occurs after 12 hours.

Acrylic wear-resistant paint


Recently, Betoxyl paint has become increasingly popular. This one-component composition is intended for treating concrete surfaces for various purposes, including industrial ones. Coating with this type of paint, together with primer treatment, has proven itself well in warehouse complexes, car parks and in production workshops.

Betoxyl type paint guarantees a surface that is resistant to abrasion. Does not react with any type of fuel, motor oil or detergents. Absolutely not subject to temperature changes and precipitation. The paint is very easy to apply. An important factor is that if damaged, the decorative layer is easy to restore.

Universal paint "Betoxyl"

Epoxy enamels

Painting a concrete floor with epoxy paints will create a durable floor covering and provide it with excellent decorative properties. It can perform a waterproofing function and protect concrete from moisture, which is relevant for painting open parking lots and public places. High-quality adhesion to the floor surface will ensure resistance to paint abrasion and concrete wear. She is also not afraid of increased loads. The paint is neutral to acids and alkalis and does not react with them, so it can be used in warehouses with chemicals. Over time, the surface does not lose color.

The photo shows the painting of a concrete floor

Painting technology

Bringing together the process of painting a floor, we can describe the main points of the process, regardless of the materials used:

  1. cleaning and surface preparation;
  2. padding;
  3. applying paint;
  4. drying.

The type of paint determines what tools will be used. Enamels and acrylic paints are applied to the surface using façade or velor rollers. They have a fairly comfortable width, a long handle and short pile, which allows you to apply the composition evenly.

Using a sprayer allows you to reduce the number of layers. The density of paint application in this way is comparable to 3 layers of manual painting using a roller. This significantly saves time and consumables.

When working with a sprayer, it is necessary to observe personal protective measures

In the corners and around the perimeter of the room it will not be very convenient to work with a spray or roller, so in this case it is more appropriate to use a brush.

The video in this article will tell you how to properly stain a concrete floor in a garage. Before applying the next layer, make sure that the previous one is completely dry. Try to apply thin layers, they look better. Significant layer thickness increases drying time.

Drying process

After all work on painting the floor has been completed, it is necessary to create all the conditions for proper drying of the decorative layer. For comfortable drying, the room must maintain a climate with a temperature of at least 180C and a relative humidity of 80% or less. Such conditions will allow the layer to dry evenly.

Floors that have dried under normal conditions can be used after 48 hours. But full physical activity should be postponed for a longer period. In any case, read the recommendations on the packaging.

When drying, it also matters what kind of concrete the paint was applied to. When painting fresh concrete, the drying time is longer than when processing an already used coating.

Concrete floor before and after painting

Useful tips from professionals

Coatings suitable for painting floors differ in their characteristics. When choosing what to paint a concrete floor with, check whether the surface will be slippery or rough, and whether the color can be changed by adding pigment.

To avoid having to repaint the floor, it is important to maintain compatibility of the compositions. It’s good when the old composition is compatible with a new coating, for example, acrylic-based. It is advisable to make the top layer darker - the consumption will be reduced and coloring will be simplified.

To make the film elastic, use a “soft” hardener for Temafloor 150. After adding Temafloor Flex, the floor will become safer for children.

Mechanical floor painting is fast, convenient and effective. Water-based compositions are suitable for household spray guns. The nozzle (spray gun) can become clogged with heavy paints that cure quickly.

Manual method - painting with a roller on a long handle. In hard-to-reach places, pre-paint with a brush, having previously sealed all the cracks.

Mechanical floor painting is fast, convenient and effective.

Painting concrete is a simple and affordable way to protect the floor from many negative factors. Painting with polymer-based compositions is durable protection against increased operational load and delamination of the surface of the cement screed.

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