Construction of a house porch and concrete stairs

Today, monolithic reinforced concrete stairs and steps for the porch of a country house are very popular. These structures are very durable and reliable, they are ready to serve you for at least 30 years. A concrete staircase can be arranged at the front entrance of a house (it is often also called a facade staircase, since it is installed in front of the entrance to the house), a porch of a house with concrete steps, if your site is on a hill, then you can arrange a concrete staircase in the garden; very often they use a monolithic staircase for a private country house.

Order a concrete staircase for the porch of the house.

Let's think and decide whether it is worth choosing a concrete staircase in a country house? After comparing all the pros and cons, you yourself will understand why monolithic stairs and steps should only be ordered turnkey from professionals. Only a builder with extensive experience will be able to build such a structure so that it can serve not only you, but also your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Designations of concrete grades

The B6.5 digital indicator indicates that the foundation used, after hardening, is capable of withstanding loads of up to 6.5 MPa. It is quite logical that the higher this figure, the higher the price tag for concrete.

Other important markings on concrete:

  • Fee , these letters indicate that the concrete mass includes frost-resistant components, the values ​​after the letter can be 50, 100..., and up to 300.
  • W , waterproof.
  • P indicates the volume of additives and water; the most popular are P3-P4 among concrete mixtures for foundations.

How much does it cost to pour a cube of concrete?

At the very beginning, it is necessary to determine the price of components for the production of 1 cube of concrete.

The prices shown are taken from different regions of the country:

  1. Sand – 500r/m3;
  2. Bags of cement (50kg). Taking into account that the density is 1400 cu/m3, the total amount is 4200r/m3.
  3. Crushed stone 800rum/m3

With a ratio of 1:3:5 (cement, sand, crushed stone), 1 cubic meter of concrete is:

  • 0.1 m3 of cement – ​​466 rubles.
  • 0.3 m3 of sand – 166 rubles.
  • 0.6 m3 crushed stone – 444 rub.
  • 0.06 m3 of water.

Ultimately, this concrete mass will cost 1076 rubles. for every 1m3 of concrete. Of course, you can simply order concrete, but here the price will double, since delivery will not be cheap.

Order turnkey monolithic concrete stairs.

The company All Fences designs, manufactures, assembles, installs and deals with various finishing of monolithic staircase structures. There are enormous possibilities for finishing monolithic structures with different materials today. Professional finishers will decorate a monolithic product with wood, stone, tiles, forged fences, etc.

Construction of a concrete porch at the dacha

Our company has been building porches for private homes for more than 12 years. We are building not just a beautiful porch with steps, but also a durable and reliable structure that will serve you for decades.

The most popular and durable are concrete structures, and thanks to the huge selection of finishing materials, a concrete porch can be given a very modern and beautiful look in the same style as the house or landscape as a whole. The company “Everything Fences” is engaged in the construction of these structures all year round; you can order turnkey pouring of the concrete porch of a cottage or house along with steps and a ramp from us. Our company employs only professional builders who will build this structure for you with high quality and in a short time. .

Material cost calculation

Concrete composition

The websites of building materials suppliers often display calculators that separately calculate the cost of material, reinforcement, transportation and construction work. However, there is no computer program for calculating the price of a set of works.

To obtain the necessary data, you can use a calculator program.
It is impossible to give exact prices for concrete, since the cost varies depending on the following factors:

  • Selected filler. If the mixture of cement and sand includes gravel, then the payment ranges from 3.5 to 4 thousand rubles; when granite is added, prices increase by 200 rubles. per one cubic meter. It must be taken into account that more expensive material increases strength, which is important in the construction of industrial, multi-story buildings.
  • The presence of additives that can be used to fill in winter or increase water resistance. Introducing additional material into the mixture to ensure good hydration at lower temperatures greatly increases financial costs.
  • Class of large aggregates. The fee per square meter does not change significantly.

The approximate market value of various grades of concrete, depending on quality, is presented in the table:

BrandCost, rub.

If you mix the solution yourself, then this will cost much less money.
You can mix the concrete yourself by hand, then you can reduce costs and further save on supplies by refusing to rent a mixer machine. The approximate price of materials, which may vary depending on the region, is presented in the table below:

Composition componentRequired quantity to produce 1m3 of concrete, m3Cost, rub
Crushed stone0,6444
Final material11076

How is the total cost calculated?

The customer's costs may also be affected by the weather in which the work is carried out.
The price of pouring the finished material depends on the following parameters:

  • quality of work done;
  • pouring method (manually or using a mixer);
  • finding a manufacturing company;
  • weather.

The pricing policy will vary depending on the type of service: building stairs, pouring floors in a multi-story building, in a garage, constructing formwork and columns. If the work only requires laying the foundation, then the approximate price for 1m3 will be 5-6 thousand rubles; if it is necessary to arrange floors, prices increase by 500-1000 rubles. Depending on the chosen company, payment for 1 square method may vary by 1000-1500 rubles. in different directions.

Preparing and pouring a concrete porch

When the foundation of the porch has hardened, the formwork for the steps is installed, cutting out its elements from plywood or OSB board, fastening and supporting it with wooden blocks. Where the porch adjoins the grillage of a house or cottage, it is necessary to provide for an expansion joint. To do this, mats of hard mineral wool are laid between the porch and the building, coated with sealant on both sides.

The staircase must be reinforced with a frame made of metal reinforcement, which is knitted with wire or tacked by spot welding. Reinforcement must be provided in three planes to provide the structure with sufficient rigidity and strength for long-term operation. Unlike the formwork for the foundation, the formwork for the porch with steps is removable. Therefore, the inside of the shields must be coated with oil.

The concrete porch is poured gradually, from step to step, from bottom to top (the composition of the concrete solution is similar to that used for pouring the foundation). For each step, a front formwork element is installed - an additional one. It is necessary to ensure that the surface of the formwork is smooth, and possible irregularities cannot spoil the appearance of the stairs. Air is expelled from the concrete thickness with a vibrator or by repeatedly piercing the step with reinforcement. Each filled step is allowed to dry, then move on to the next. The pouring process ends with the sidewalls and the upper platform of the entrance group - they are poured last.

How much does it cost to pour a cube of concrete by hand?

We decided on the price of the components above, now let’s figure out how much it will cost to pour a cube of concrete manually. In this part of the article we will talk not about financial costs, but about physical costs, because Before pouring a cube of concrete, it must first be mixed.

Doing it manually will be slow and difficult, which is why it is better to choose this method if:

  • it is necessary to fill a small area;
  • you have serious intentions to save money (or simply don’t have any).

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First of all, the trough must be placed so that each of the components of the concrete mixture was located as close as possible, otherwise it would simply be difficult to carry them in buckets. It is advisable to have a water hose on hand.

  2. Do not pour water into the trough first, and in general it is better to add it in small portions, because in this case, the kneading process will be most simplified. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. As soon as the consistency of the solution begins to resemble sour cream , you can begin to add gravel (granite) to it in portions. You shouldn’t dump out the entire volume of filler at once; it’s easier to mix the concrete in parts rather than the whole trough at once.

Of course, to save on delivery (and it’s not cheap) and simplify manual labor, you can use a concrete mixer. Its only drawback is that the components for the mixture must be immersed in it with your own hands, but the beauty is that there is no need for painstaking work with a shovel.

There are 5 types of concrete mixers common in Russia. It is noteworthy that the technological process differs from manual kneading in the sequence of loading the components; each type of mixer has its own.

Foundation for the porch

During the operation of the house, the porch will experience constant loads from the movement of people and the movement of all kinds of cargo - from school bags and bags of groceries to furniture and heavy household appliances. Therefore, a concrete staircase needs a reliable foundation. If, during the laying of the foundation for the cottage building itself, a foundation for the porch was not provided, it is arranged using a drawing made at the design stage of the entrance group.

The projection of the porch is transferred to the ground and marked with pegs and string, after which they proceed to excavation work. A pit is dug along the marked boundaries, the depth of which is ideally identical to that chosen for the foundation of the house, but cannot be less than 50 cm. Crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the pit (20 cm layer), compacted and covered with sand on top (10 cm layer) . The sand is spilled with water and also compacted.

Formwork is placed around the perimeter of the pit, the walls and bottom of the pit are covered with waterproofing material. A reinforcing mesh is installed over the entire area of ​​the porch from a thin (up to 10 mm) reinforcing bar with a cell size of 10 x 10 cm. The foundation pit prepared in this way is filled with a concrete solution of standard proportions - 1 part cement from M400 and above, 3 parts sand, 5 parts crushed stone. Air is expelled from the solution mass using vibrators for concrete work. The poured base is left to gain strength, covered after the initial setting of the top layer of concrete with plastic film. To ensure uniform hardening, it is recommended to water the surface of the foundation in the first 3-5 days.

Staircase finishing

A concrete porch can be finished with various materials, the most popular of which are clinker tiles, marble or broken marble, porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles. The main thing is that the surface of the facing material is not slippery - this will help reduce the likelihood of injury in rainy and frosty weather.

Railings are installed on the sides of the porch and along the perimeter of the upper platform, the angle of inclination of which must correspond to the angle of inclination of the porch stairs. The space between the railings and the stairs can be filled with sheet metal, plexiglass, rolled metal or forged gratings and ornaments. You can order forged railings, fences and grilles for your cottage at.

We also carry out concrete work: Installation of a strip foundation, Pouring a reinforced concrete columnar foundation, Installation of a monolithic slab foundation, Pouring a blind area around the house.

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